Housing problems

eileen54 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
Hi there I'm moving into my flat next week and iv been going every day last couple of weeks taking stuff there, I'm moving becouse it's been so bad here with Nabours sitting out on the front drinking swearing fighting,are bedrooms are on the front so you can imagin what it's like it affecterd my so bad I suffer with depression & anxiety now moving to the new flat the person above me is overflow is pouring over with water and everyday iv walked pass you get the water over you, as the pathway is only narrow between wall and railings iv phoned the housing a couple of times and also the water board they said they can't do anything about it, and housing seems to ignor it,I went there today and notice my flat smells damp and only got new carpets and cushion flooring put down on Wendsday so it should smell of new carpets but the flat just smells of damp instead iv knocked on this persons door but they don't awnser feels though I'm going bad to worse now and it's affecting really bad thinking have I made one bad mistake please tell me what I can do,as can't take this anymore 


  • Castleford1
    Castleford1 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor
    Oh Eileen54 I feel heartbroken for you.  This must be a mega worry for you.  Can't understand why Housing can't do anything, the water from the property above is affecting your flat.  Is it Council or private landlord.  You need help immediately, could you contact CAB or something similar for help.  I know it's not much help but you can chat to me.
  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    edited December 2017
    Hi @eileen54, sorry to hear of your housing troubles. But hopefully this will be a matter that can be resolved relatively quickly, and in the long-term your new house will be an improvement on the last. @Debbie_Scope , do you have any advice? As @castleford1 points out, your local Citizen's Advice branch should be able to offer some advice, and you can find your closest one here.
  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,281 Pioneering
    edited December 2017
    Hi @eileen54,

    How are you? Have you now moved? Have things improved with your housing situation?
    @Debbie_Scope is back on the community, and able to answer a couple of questions each day, so if there's anything we can help with, please let us know.