Getting a social worker when you are homeless

gill2014 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I have spina bifida plus psoriasis and also an Arnold chair malformation type 2. I am in a very scary predicament at present as I am living in a homeless house waiting on a new house for my wee family. They are Wayne and my gorgeous little girl called Adele who is 2 1/2 . My issue apart from having no permanent abode is how do I go about getting a social worker for myself as every time I ask they end up sending me out An OT which is fine for the house but even then they don't get it right. My finances are a bit of a complex issue it seems when you one thing they take it off the other which correct me if I am wrong doesn't actually help you at all. My head is all over the place with this and not knowing what to do. Please please tell me I am not going mad.


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    edited December 2017
    Hi @gill2014 welcome to the community, Im sorry you are having such a tough time! 

     @DebbieVoakes do you have any advice for Gill?

  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hello @gill2014,

    I would be happy to help you work through this.

    Which local authority is involved here?

    With regards to the financial aspects, I can help you try to work this out too but i'll need a bit more information from you about this. Are you claiming benefits and if so, which ones? What are the problems you're having financially?

    My colleague @Angela_Scope leads on Social Care here at the helpline so I will have a chat with her and see what she suggests in terms of getting a social worker whilst in temporary accommodation.

    Best wishes
  • Angela_Alumni
    Angela_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    Hello @gill2014

    Sorry to hear about the difficulties you are experiencing. 

    If you have not done so already can I suggest that you contact the adult social care team at your local authority and specifically ask for a Care Needs Assessment - and provide them with some detail about the kind of things that you are struggling with and need support with. 

    If you have already asked for a Care Needs Assessment and they are not providing one then ask them for the reasons for this in writing.  You could then consider putting in a formal complaint using the local authorities' complaints procedure for adult social care.  

    As you know, social care is not free and everyone eligible for support from social care has to have a financial assessment to determine how much, if any, they will have to contribute towards the cost of their care and support  The financial assessment normally takes place alongside or following a Care Needs Assessment and they should provide you with a copy - this will show how they have calculated your income and which benefits they have taken into account. 

    If you would like to talk privately about this then please send me an email with your telephone contact details to

    Kind regards
