
aries Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
edited May 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I recently recieved a 12 monthly review of my PIP payments. I explained 2 changes that I believed to be relevant. Had to go for a face to face interview. On that day my carer couldn't make it so a family friend went with me. I suffer with large boils/cysts in my groin an have difficulty walking. I have angina, heart disease, depression and have had a breakdown due to violence and abuse. 
On the I had to use a wheelchair due to the pain I was in I could not they are so sore. She was rude from the outset. She was quite aggressive and kept threatening me if I didn't answer her questions I would have to go back again for another assessment. I get very breathless and On my way! times I find it difficult to speak clearly or quickly. At many points of the 2 and a half hours until 7.15 pm she raised her voice and I asked her not too. She also said that any abuse, sexual or violent she was not interested in or the DWP wouldn't be either??? I was so shocked it really upset me. 
However, benefit stopped....can't get out can't pay bills am in a mess....
i have read some great things on this an I am complaining again, to CAPITA recorded delivery saying I want an answer or I will contact my solicitor.
 I've contacted my local MP and disability rights. I will phone and ask for more time to collect information for my request for consideration. 
Thank you all will keep you updated a terrible experience 



  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @aries good on you for contacting your MP, they can often be really helpful.

    Are you appealing the decision then? Where abouts are you in the appeal process?
  • suebabe
    suebabe Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Appeal the decision x but make sure you have your carer on the next one there are some horrible people that interview you my husband was talked to like he was an idiot they didn't want to no about things that have made him the way he is . He's borderline personality disorder and manic depression because of how he was treated as a child they were **** to him x put in a complaint about them and fight for what your needing to live on don't give up that's what they want you to do xxx
  • aries
    aries Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    Hi thank you so much for the replies. 
    Firstly, I have sent a letter of complaint.. But have been told to send another recorded delivery as the ignore them.
    i spoke to the DWP today about the mandatory reconsideration. I told them my GP will charge me for a letter and I can't afford it. They said they would contact the GP. She told me not to put in evidence just to be specific about what I disagreed with regarding the descriptors (daily living and mobility) so that has been sent off today recorded delivery. I'm not hopeful...
    im really sorry to hear about your husbands experiences Sue.... I find it shocking that they can just sweep it away and expect people to cope with Trauma's like these? I can honestly say it broke me. It's sad that it's not being recognised and this is inequality at its finest!!!!! 
    I wonder if some of the support networks/agencies know that this is happening? 
    I hope it all works out

  • Skippy1976
    Skippy1976 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    This is so upsetting to read, no one deserves to be treated this way irreverent to the interview or not.
    what has happened to you does have an effect on everything you do in life, it has an impact on you're mental well being which effects you're physical well being. 
    Just using the wheelchair to get to you're appointment is already a reason in itself. They state if you can walk more than 200 metres in a "safe" and "appropriate standard" "repeatly" and in a resonable time frame you don't meet the criteria! I'm sure in a wheelchair knocks most of the standards out the window.
    l agree, they are cold! (I call them government minions) sent to save the big pot of money!!!
    but at the same time, they are irreverent, don't let the way they were toward you effect you're fight to appeal.
    stay strong and focused, research and overlook all the discriptors and reasons they refused, write notes and arguments against they're decisions, keep it all filed.
    it is so sad hearing so many people on here fighing for help, support! 
    Please keep strong, get support from friends and family, and over the phone.
    Scope have been a great source of help to me, and although at the beginning of my fight for my 19 year old son, l am more determined than ever because of scope and the amazing advice on here.
    keep us all updated please
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Good luck with the Mandatory Reconsideration, if that still comes back unfavourably, you can then go to tribunal.  There is lots of information here about that process.

    Good luck and keep talking here  :)