PIP tribunal

evaowl Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited June 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I have been suffering from chronic neuropathic pain since 2011. Saw so far neurologist in 2011 and Pain Management team in 2012. Nothing else has been done in that regards. Tribunal was on Monday Doctor was from hell asking me why the letter from GP was issued by one and stampped by another. He did not ask me a simple question about my medical condition. He challenged my GP why such medication for chronic pain was given? I was put ON trail with my GP as both crooks and benefit frausters, wheras I havE recorded the face to face interview with DWP nurse and caught him making false statements about my assessment in line: I can sit still for 40 min, walk ok and that he assessed My limpS, whereas it was too painful.

The Tribunal was not interested to listen to the recording; I brought my laptop. I dont know why I feel that The Tribunal's docotor must have worked in the past for DWP as his behaviour towards me was as bad as DWP's nurse-he twisted what was said: i wrote all statements on my own but asked the friend to read through if it is understandable and edit what is not; he twisted I edit medical reports and made me into the benefit fraud.

He was one who whispered to the jude: Ask her ask her as if I was not in the room. I stated that I am hurt they do not want to hear how DWP 's assessing me nurse lied point blank and giggled when I described how my knee got locked and I was in pain. By ignoring that they agreed he is right and I 'eddit medical reports.' They could not agree so excluded themsleves and adjournet till June asking for my medical history as back as 2015 up to now, whereas DWP has spoken to my GP in 2016 August and obtained what they needed.

It seems Tribunals are happy to push people of ESA in the line DWP and thier cheating on face-to-face assessment nurses- Trubunal allowed Fraud of fabricating my medical report by DWP nurse-that justice system for you.

Any ideas as I disagree with letting DWP my medical history as back as 2015 and strongly feel Doctor, who was so horrible to me had DWP experience as their assessor....so conflict of interest is obvious...


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @evaowl I am so sorry to hear about your terrible experience  :(
  • Liam_Alumni
    Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,087 Empowering
    Hi @evaowl,

    Have you heard any news about the tribunal after it was adjourned until June?

    @BenefitsTrainingCo, can you help?
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @evaowl.

    I'm so so sorry to hear your current predicament.

    Please please let me know if I can help in anyway at all.

    I have myself had Chronic Neuropathic Pain since 2005, maybe we could share a few stories over a coffee or maybe a tea.

    If that would Help in anyway ???

  • MikeBroderick
    MikeBroderick Online Community Member Posts: 234 Empowering
    Hi @evaowl:

    I feel for you.

    Is there any further update or anything we can help you with now?