So what is in the manifestos? Election 2017

Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
To be clear if you are looking for a section saying 'Disability' you will not find it in the manifestos, this does not mean they don't have things for disabled people, or will not affect disabled people.

One of the best comparisons for the different manifestos from Labour, Lib Dems and Conservatives, can be found at
There is a button for SNP but this has yet to be populated.

Some of the key areas I would recommend looking at are:

Education & Skills
Energy and Environment
Health, Life Sciences and Social Care
Welfare and Children - welfare for obvious reasons

Click on the area of interest and then click on the buttons one at a time to see what their manifestos say.

While these are the main ones, depending on how you define the needs of disabled people then there are other commitments in the other headings which could make a difference.