Appeal tribunal

chezdx Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Can anybody tell me where i can get some support from  and what to expect at the appeal tribunal? Thanks chez 


  • AlexW_Scope
    AlexW_Scope Scope Posts: 223 Empowering
    Hi @chezdx - there are some useful videos here about the PIP appeals process

  • chezdx
    chezdx Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thanks Alex I shall take a look at these sites ☺
  • Julia1965
    Julia1965 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Go to your citizens advice bureau they were fantastic help to my son they will be able to advise you 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    I won my appeal a couple of months ago.  Here's what I posted afterward:

    "Tips?   Have your wits about you and be prepared for a grilling; and have thorough medical evidence even if it's not recent.

    The only medical evidence I had was the DWP doctor's report and my GP's report from 1998 (both very thorough) when I was awarded DLA highest rates both components indefinitely.

    The other two tribunal members weren't too bad - but the doctor asked some probing questions.  Asked for how long I could walk (time).  The Atos assessor asked that, too.  Although of course PIP points are supposed to be awarded for distance, not time (or so I thought).

    Doc also asked how did I know I could only walk 20 yards?  Had I ever measured it?  I replied no, it was an estimate based on experience of distances.

    The judge, doctor (as well as the Atos assessor) all seemed to think that ability to drive indicates a low level of disability.  Which is nonsense.  What's the point of Motability, then?  And many disabled people would be housebound without a car.  

    I only take two, maybe three, round trips of 12 miles or less a week; I find driving long distances tiring.  I wouldn't advise any claimant to state that they do a lot of driving, especially longer distances."

    In addition, the tribunal drew heavily on my diary for their questions.  So think about what you wrote in your diary if you submitted one.