Emotional support dog advice please!

joannarashelle Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
Hello all could someone advise me how or where I could find out if I could get an 'emotional support' dog?

I have PTSD and have always had pet dogs and other animals that have all enabled me and comforted me throughout my life. 

Recently lost my beloved Golden Retriever 'Honey' and am lost without her, am on waiting lists for Retriever Rescue but wondered if there is an organisation that supplies assistance dogs for people with mental health struggles in England? 

I know now there are assistance dogs for people with physical struggles but not aware of any that do the same for mental health issues. 

Thanks to anyone who assists 

Joanna x 


  • dogfather
    dogfather Online Community Member Posts: 60 Connected

    i am not certain if there is an organisation in the
  • SeanRyan
    SeanRyan Online Community Member Posts: 66 Connected
    edited June 2017
    Hi @joannarashelle

      I am not aware of any for PTSD as the cost of training is so high for each animal. The waiting list for a disabled one is huge. I have to make do with my two cats. Sorry to hear about Honey. I am a great believer in having a pet and they do more for your health than a lot of the medications. I hope you find an answer x
  • dogfather
    dogfather Online Community Member Posts: 60 Connected
    edited May 2017

    i am not certain if there is an organisation which can help. My suggestion would be to contact guide dogs to see if they have any pups/ dogs that may not have made the grade who need rehoming! 
  • joannarashelle
    joannarashelle Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    Thankyou @SeanRyan and @dogfather,

    I'm on a waiting list for a dog that hasn't quite 'made the grade' as a guide dog, I'm with other peoples (troubled) dogs everyday and so get my fix as it were of enabling animals something I've always done, as they've enabled me my whole life! 
    But it's tremendously painful without my own girl (Honey) to go back to she was so balanced, apart from the fact I would've given my life for her (as all my other animals before her) 

    Wish me luck in the right dog coming to me! 
    It has to be the right one though my heart would take any xx
  • Dasiydo
    Dasiydo Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    I sorry for your lost I also lost pet dog Darcy and could not cope without her but now got two wonful cats. So once again sorry for your lost
  • ash_the_crayon
    ash_the_crayon Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    hey unfortunatly emotional support dogs are not yet recognised as assistance dogs in the uk and therefore are not put in place feel free to sign and share this petition to bring this subject to debate at the house of commons 
  • ByTheSea
    ByTheSea Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected
    edited October 2022
    @joannarashelle , yes there's no charity that provides emotional support animals in the UK, however you are allowed to train your own dog (if you was to find the right one for you), so you would legally be allowed to take your dog in shops etc, with a vest on, I know this because someone with ADHD has done exactly this. I started looking into it for myself but unfortunately my dog is too hyper and friendly, good luck.    
    This is the link which the lady with ADHD sent me which is great.
    Assistance dogs: a guide for all businesses | Equality and Human Rights Commission (equalityhumanrights.com)

    Also her story, which is awesome, she has a lurcher like me which is how I came across her but like I say mine won't stay still.

      Assistance dog from Standlake shortlisted for Animal Star Award | Oxford Mail
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us @ByTheSea. I am sure your experiences will be invaluable to people experiencing similar things to you. 

    It is a shame that your dog is too hyper and friendly, and won't stay still! Maybe one day your dog will calm down and be appropriate for training  :)
  • elahrairah
    elahrairah Scope Member Posts: 48 Contributor
    i got myself an emotional support dog but he's even more nuts than i am and we had to get him an emotional support dog.
  • easy
    easy Scope Member Posts: 688 Empowering
    Oh how lovely!!!
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Looks like that's the dog's sofa now, @elahrairah :D  Thanks for sharing!
  • pengoo
    pengoo Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I decided to get a small dog during Covid as I was feeling so isolated and alone. My Husband and I tried rehoming services, but they didn't have anything appropriate for my needs, so we decided on a puppy. It was the best thing I ever did. Tilly is a cross chihuahua so is only small, but she is a giant in every other way. She picks up on my anxiety and comes to sit with me so I can stroke her which helps me so much. She also talks to people which is so funny to see as if you ignore her, she pushes you with her front paw until you pay attention. She has been a god send in helping me cope as I also have PTSD as well as long term pain. Until I got her I really felt that nobody understood but she seems to pick up on how I'm feeling. When she was eight months old, we discovered that she also has a disability as her front legs are deformed. She has been to an orthopaedic vet who advised us she was best left as she was as she is in no pain and doesn't know any difference and the operation carries risks. So, one misfit met another misfit, and we are just fine. Her quality of life is great and unless she is standing still you would never know there was anything wrong with her. She makes me laugh which is something I didn't do much of before she came into my life. It's a shame Therapy dogs aren't recognised as they can be life changing for people. I know mine was.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    That's lovely @pengoo thanks so much for sharing with us :) It's so positive to hear about how much Tilly can help and support you, and you her! 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,456 Championing
    Welcome to the community @pengoo :) 

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience of getting Tilly! It sounds like she's been a really positive influence in your life, which is fantastic to hear.