
hickey47 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi can some one tell me when i got rewared my pip it said i have  been rewared  it from the 12 of march 2016 till march 2018  then i read on and it says but we will get in touch with you in march 2017  i got the form of them in march  to fill in and i had to go to the assessment on the 4th of June  if i get knocked  of duos my claim stop or will it go on till march 2018 what i got rewarded it to 


  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @hickey47 You have just had a review of your PIP award. It will depend on the outcome as to whether you continue to get PIP after this review. You will be given a new timescale and maybe a new award or both you'll have to wait and see. They will have to change the end date as they have already used March 2018 for this review as the DWP always contact people 1 year before the review is due. Which was March 2017 in your case. You'll have to wait till you get your decision letter which will answer all the questions you are asking here. I'm due for review in 2020 and expect to be contacted in 2019 for my review.