severe osteoarthritis and being signed off work permanently

Pauline3212 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
edited July 2017 in Benefits and income
I have sever osteoarthritis in my hips plus I also had a stroke last year making my right side week I am in constant pain daily they will not do hip replacement as I am over weight I get esa support I do not think I will be able to go back to work I used to be a cleaner at a bank I have to send suck notes in every couple months will I be able to be signed off work permanently as I can not walk more than 2metres unaided I have to use crutches and scooter 


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,605 Championing
    Hi @Pauline3212 welcome to the community, I am sorry to hear about your struggles. 

    You could try the benefits calculator to see what you could be entitled to, there is also a PIP self test you could try to see if your impairments fit within the rules for PIP.

    Ive moved your post to the ask a benefits advisor section, so I hope they will be able to offer some more info and support.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Hi @Pauline3212

    I'm not 100% sure what you want to know - as you say you're on ESA (support group?) already I presume you are no longer being paid by work? - so do you want to know whether you can give up the job?

    If this is the question, the answer is tentatively yes - anyone is entitled to give up a job at any point - ESA is not a work-related benefit so you would not be sanctioned for terminating your employment.

    My only hesitation is whether you feel there may be some benefit to you that would be lost in terminating your employment (e.g. if there is redundancy coming up, or some kind of pensions thing) - this would be specific to your work if there was, and in the circumstances where you are not being paid and cannot go back anyway then it is not often the case - but do double check with an employment adviser if you are not sure.

    As regards other benefits - I hope you have made a claim for PIP already - if not, it is an additional benefit to help people with difficulties with Daily Living and Mobility. The claimline number is 0800 917 2222.

    Other than that, the benefits are all income/capital based, and will depend on what income/capital your household currently has, but others to consider are Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support and Carer's Allowance.

    Kind regards,


  • dogfather
    dogfather Community member Posts: 60 Connected
    Pauline3212 were you employed by the bank or a third party company. 
    Has you currently employer involved occupational health re your on going health issues? 
    Have you received any letters from GP / Specialist re your condition? 
    Does your current employer have a pension scheme you contribute to? Does that pension scheme have any policies for ill health retirement. If so have you asked if you meet the criteria? I believe in this day an age gaining access to ill health retirement is not a very common occurrence.  Sorry I don't want to appear negative but the pension scheme medical people may argue if you lost a weight you could have a hip replacement and may be able to return to work. ( in which case the would say there are other treatment  open to you  which could enable a successful return to work) 

    sorry to appear negative, I just trying to be realistic. I wish you luck, hope your condition improves & you get the help you need