"Does Volunteering leads to friendship?"- International Friendship Day

iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
edited July 2017 in People power
Does Volunteering leads to friendship? International Friendship Day 06/08/17
Hi all, 
I just would like to know your opinion on above topic" Does Volunteering leads to friendship?

If you volunteering with organisation within charitable sector, public or private sector and you are brave to share with me in few words about your experience within volunteering role and if these role leaded to make a friendship with other volunteers please let me know by commenting below. Perhaps it increased your socialising or networking as well. Let me know. 


  • Dasiydo
    Dasiydo Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    I do few volutar rolls but can't say at movement but have meet lot friend in peep groups and farms 
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Liam_Alumni
    Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,087 Empowering
    Hi @iza,

    Oh, absolutely! Sadly, I don't have much time now to volunteer in between studying and work, but a couple of years ago, when I had a few hours spare on weekends or in the summer holidays, I helped out a lot in my local area and made a lot of friends along the way!

    I remember on one occasion I met some people through volunteering and even tried to form a band with them (unfortunately, it never really took off, haha). Elsewhere, I made a lot of friends at other charity events - especially if they require you to work as a team!

    I've always loved volunteering, and as much as you meet new members of the public when out and about, if you're doing it with other people then it's a brilliant way of making new friends.

    I hope this answers your question!
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    Hi @Dasiydo, @DannyMoore and @LiamO_Dell
    Thank you very much for you quick respond to my question and your time. 
    I can see that all of you had volunteering roles  before or you are continuing your volunteering at the moment. I can see you  have quite similar opinion. 
    Within my old group of colleges, old friends I am the only one who is volunteering.
    Usually, when I speak to people I know,  as soon as I am mentioning  that I do a bit of volunteering they  are make big eyes. Some said to me that money comes first than if there is time left (never is left when you raise family) they could consider to volunteer. 

  • [Deleted User]
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  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    @iza this is an attitude towards volunteering that I have come across a lot. In some cases I believe there are genuine obstacles to people effectively volunteering. Work patterns, travelling distances and other reasons why people may not be able to commit to set times often needed.

    Another issue is what we view as volunteering, ie formal compared to informal. When I was chair of the TMO I was able to achieve a lot, sometimes on my own, other times with the support of others. At the end of the AGMs I always made a point of thanking those who had supported the TMO during the last year, my final thank you was for residents who often go unnoticed but make life on the estate much better by the things they do. Those who pick up the papers and a little shopping for their less able neighbours, those who continued to visit their neighbours long after they become housebound, and the many other acts which make us a community, rather than a collection of individuals.

    The sad thing with the 'money comes first' attitude is it is counter intuitive. Many employers not only appreciate the volunteers in their workforce but actively encourage it. As part of the 1-1 assessments at work is 'gives back to the company'. As an example of this part of my targets for this year is to provide at leasts one blog for the ability network, of which I am a member. To encourage employees they allow one day off work annually so they can volunteer in a community based project.

    The other advantage for companies is that volunteering can also help employees to improve their skills as well as develop new skills which can have a positive affect at work. Without volunteering with the TMO I would not be working for my current employer. A company which supports an active workforce in their voluntary work also makes it easier to show how they take their corporate social responsibility seriously.

    One issue for me is that as the state shrinks it provision, and local government are forced to do the same through financial cuts is as communities we will need to come together to protect some services, libraries are a good example of this, some parks are maintained and managed by volunteers. But there are limits to how much the voluntary sector can take on.
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    edited July 2017
    Hi @Geoark
    Yes you are right and I think sending employees for volunteering in community based project will not make any harm but benefit both parts and in reach employees in new life experience. 

  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    edited July 2017
    Hi @DannyMoore
    Congratulation for you empowering people to reach the goals and become one of the best. 
  • Dasiydo
    Dasiydo Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    I do volutar different I don't do for money I do get out there by making friend sadly say in charity shops where use get work in Staffordshire I got bullyed most in Longton and Stafford had break down lost my girl guide leading off Rainbow guide now supported recover mealth health only but haven't gone sailing!
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    Hi @Dasiydo, sorry to hear about your  bad experience. Let me know how are you doing now and how much support you are getting. 

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello I used to volunteer a lot having problems with people who see the disability not me.  Ended up bullied and treated quite badly by some of the people who were supposed to help me.  Feel rejected and because isolated and lonely because of there attitudes.  I thought I doing a good job I mean I there to volunteer not be treated mean.  How and why some people see the role of volunteering not to respect everyone but to be demanding.  I started volunteering from about in my early teens to last year.  When I had to stop just too much.  I made no friends along the way  I was friends I thought with them but they really disliked me I found this out when I left.  Still hurting
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    edited September 2017
    Hi @thespiceman, sorry to hear about your bad experience. In our life we will meet all sorts of people. People who treat us with respect (the most little number), people who will demand on us to reach their goals, people who even will no listen to what we are saying, people with aggressive attitudes. You just need to listen to your own intuition and start filter people.  Be with those who make you feel important, separate from the rest. Listen only to your own needs and be the boss of your own life no matter what others thinks or says. Do not feel hurt any more. Most of us have similar experiences at some point in life. The most important is you like yourself. The other will join you.
    Have a great weekend and enjoy the bit if sun. 

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello thank you for the wise words.  I know I do understand what you are saying thank you.  One of the problems I have encountered is I have Christian values and common sense.  I am from planet politeness and wish for once well everybody in the volunteer sector are the same.  I have met people really pleasant people in volunteering and I thought they were great.  Unfortunately I am sometimes naïve that they like me when in reality I see sometimes the negative side of them.  In all their true colours.  Elvis was once asked how close is the image to the man.  He replied very close.  I have seen people in the volunteer sector who believe have an attitude that they well take from the place where they are working.  Be insincere not honest and I know these are strong words and I apologise for those who like myself consider volunteering a vocation to help others.  Unfortunately I have my Christian duty to point out what they are doing not only to the community but themselves.  I am now of the opinion that I do need to be kind to myself and do I am afraid try not feel guilty looking after my own needs.