pip tribunal advice

kear463 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
hi everyone,

i am after some advice i was awarded pip and was not due review until april 2018. I moved address and with evrything that goes with that aswell as coping with a career medical board i forgot to notify them about my change of address and so missed my AR1 form so they stopped my pip. i phoned them and explained the situation and they sent it to a case review team who upheld the decision to stop my pip. i know i should have notified them but i genualy forgot. i cant believe that they stopped my pip because of this. it is an admin mistake, it is not as if my condition as changed. the advice i want is shoulkd i take this to tribunal or just reapply for pip. any advic ewould be greatly appreciated.


  • Liam_Alumni
    Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,087 Empowering
    Hi @kear463,

    I'm sorry to hear about the problems you've been having with PIP.

    I've moved this post to our Ask a Benefits Advisor category, where @BenefitsTrainingCo may be able to advise.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hello kear463, and I'm sorry to hear about what has happened. This is one of those cases where it's really difficult to advise without knowing all the circumstances - what the case manager is looking for when considering whether or not to uphold a decision to stop PIP is whether there was a good reason for you not notifying them of your change of address which then led to you not filling in the form etc. That 'good reason' generally needs to relate to health issues or particularly stressful circumstances. If you feel that the case manager has unfairly refused to accept that you had good reason for missing the review process then you may be able to challenge that decision, but you need to make sure you keep within the time limits for doing so. It may be a good idea to start a new PIP claim as well, so that you don't miss out on any PIP while you are going through any review / appeal process about the ceasing of your claim. If you call the Scope helpline 0808 800 3333, then you may be able to get the contact information for a local advice agency to support you through this process and help you ensure that you regain the previous level of PIP. This website may also prove useful: www.benefitsandwork.co.uk. Although it is partly a subscription website, the online community can be very helpful and supportive when you are going through tricky episodes like this. Good luck!