All terrain wheelchair

tenpence Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Hello, can anyone recommend where to get advice on where to get an all terrain wheelchair? I have looked online, but it seems that there is no general recommendation on where to get one. Is it possible to get one on the NHS? Failing that can anyone recommend one that doesn't cost thousands?

Thanks in advance


  • Liam_Alumni
    Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,087 Empowering
    Hi @tenpence,

    We have lots of useful information about wheelchairs available on our website, including a page on powered wheelchairs. I also found the following advice on our website, too:
    Speak to your GP if you need equipment at home or to help you get around. They can tell you about local sources of help or refer you to your local Social Services or NHS.

    Your local disability information and advice line may also have details of organisations in your area that hire wheelchairs and mobility scooters. It may also be worth exploring grants.

    We also have this advice from our page on how to stay mobile:

    Where can I get a wheelchair or mobility scooter?

    Wheelchairs aren’t just for people who are completely unable to walk. They are also for people with mobility difficulties, who can only walk for short periods or have fluctuating conditions. Broadly, wheelchairs are either self-propelled, assistant-propelled or electric. There are 
    several ways to get a wheelchair.

    You can often loan them from shopmobility centres, if you just need to borrow one for going round the shops but call in advance to reserve one.

    Contact the Disabled Living Foundation for advice on what to consider when buying and information on suppliers. There are often local mobility centres where you can try out equipment. Think about the costs of maintaining the equipment and where you’ll store it when not in use. 

    I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, then please do get in touch!

  • forgoodnesssake
    forgoodnesssake Online Community Member Posts: 507 Empowering
    Unlikely to get one from NHS...and if you really want an all terrain wheelchair (as opposed to scooter) then they do all cost quite a lot.  We fundraised to get my son one of these Magic Mobility V6 but it was about £14K!  it is pretty good on rough ground though (we live in the Lakes and have also just been in the Alps)
    We looked at a couple of actual 4WD chairs but their turning circle was far too big for indoor use (which the V6, as a hybrid, is fine for as well)

  • trekinetic
    trekinetic Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi Tenpence
    Just read your post re all terrain wheelchairs.
    Have you heard of the Trekinetic all terrain power & manual wheelchairs?
    They are light enough & small enough to go in virtually any car.
    Also available for hiring. Do take a look at website & contact us for further info. if interested.
    Best wishes