Disability and Mental Health



  • Colin3371
    Colin3371 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    edited October 2017
    Tiinitus is a part of anxiety - not a mental helth condition
  • tf813247
    tf813247 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
    @jacquelinemarie that's how i feel. i'm always worried about premature againg & arthritis setting in but not knowing when it'll happen.
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,275 Trailblazing
    @Colin3371 I have had Tinnitus for decades but anxiety for only 3 or 4. It is certainly not part of my MH issues as it predates them considerably. I tried what is shown in the video but it had no effect at all.

  • janejr
    janejr Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering
    Hi everyone, I've suffered from depression and anxiety on and off for years. I was in an abusive relationship for 20 years and that has had an impact on any relationship I've ever tried to have. Now I'm disabled with OA in all of my joints and a disk desease in my back. Pain really depresses me and the change in my life doesn't help. I used to be really fit and was always on the go and now the change just kills my spirit. I loved walking and doing physical challenges. Now I'm crippled with pain and yes I know I sound self pitying but I feel lost. My father died just over a year ago after falling and badly breaking his neck. He died in hospital after developing pneumonia and watching him suffer left me feeling shattered. My daughter whom I was close to has fell out with me and no longer answers my phone calls. I'm trying hard to force myself to be up beat but it's just an act that does not help. I feel alone although I have a man who loves me. I'm tired of trying and sometimes can't wait for it to end. That all said I know I have no choice other than to soldier on and would never attempt to take my life. Reading other people's posts have helped me tonight. I'm not the only one who's struggling to make sense of their life and alot of you have more to contend with than me. Well it's 5.30 in the morning and I'm going to attempt another go at getting some sleep. 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @janejr Pleased to meet you.  Sending a message of support and understanding.

    I know reading you post how tough and how much of a struggle life is at the moment.

    Please can I say you are important, not others at the moment.

    Please can I ask what support are you receiving, I notice you have a partner, maybe he needs to see what is troubling you.  It is not easy I know talking to some one who is in a relationship, who does not understand your pain and heart break.  I can feel it

    I am sorry about the relationship with your daughter, that is important mother daughter relationship that matters.  What matter right now is you.  If your daughter is unreachable, time is a healer.

    Please try to ask yourself what do you want from life.  All of us in the community understand your issues and problems.

    Make some goals for yourself small steps that is the start.  Nothing huge, nothing unreachable.

    Make each day do some thing for you whether it is small or just simple.  My day starts with prayers for all those I have met on the forum, plus in my thoughts.  Then Classic FM.  Small changes like that has helped me, to try to get motivated 

    Also my food good food nothing hard or complex.  I believe a good start to the day Breakfast I know with illness or mental health struggle to eat, maintain a lifestyle.  I make time for me, no TV Radio is on.  Calms me relaxes me.

    I use a diary may I suggest plan little things for your self.  I need a structure for the day, put in will do this to day but no time.  Example Breakfast well who says early morning, I have mine around 10.30  to 11 am.  More like brunch a relaxed affair.

    Been doing meals for the freezer see my posts.  These are little meals my portions for the freezer, usually in Zipbags to help me through the week and beyond.

    Sorry about me talking about food I am the Spiceman.  Little changes to your life.  Please can I suggest have a look at lifestyle course, well being course if and when you are ready.

    I have been like you a suffer of anxiety and depression mine was related to my addiction history, alcoholic for thirty years.  Went to many of these course after coming out of clinic. small changes to diet and look at fitness.  Clean next month for eleven years.

    It helped me looking why and who I am.  Got loads of qualifications through doing them.  By way that was twenty years ago plus.  Still look out for anything to improve me, mentally lifestyle.  Small steps.

    Please can I also suggest some of these course there will be one probably near you.  Recovery College or similar names have course to deal with mental health issues, disability, how to manage meds.  Some of them are all women courses.  Most of all that they understand you.

    It is your choice your life these are little ideas that helped, in my quest to know why am I like this being this person.

     I use this forum to chat talk listen to people on the community.

    I have made many friends and hope you will understand, I am here to listen. 

    I am here to listen and talk about anything you like, any subject theme topic

    See my posts.

    Sorry for long posts, just I am putting out the hand of friendship.

    You are in my prayers

    Take care

  • janejr
    janejr Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering
    Hello thespiceman and thank you for the lovely message. I had a bad night and occasionally have a melt down but your message has really cheered me up. I think this forum is wonderful as you all know how it feels and other people find it hard to relate to how it feels. I've struggled to come to terms with my illness and then my dad died it felt like a double whammy. I will make myself a bucket list for the summer as winter always makes me feel worse. I would love to do a tour of Scotland as my late mother was from there and it's beautiful. Once again thank you thespiceman you are so kind
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,737 Contributor
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @janejr Good evening hope you OK.   I see you have got a post from @Victoriad really great useful suggestions.

    I am sorry about losing a family member.  I understand it can be a trauma.  Maybe you need to some times to talk about that.  There are services out there and I know that could help you.

    I had councilling and therapy for my own illness.  It helps and can benefit yourself.  Maybe consider have a look.  Remember there is nothing wrong in talking to some one who unlocks any thing you wish to say.

    The services are very good.  My own personal history talking to a professional who is impartial.  I will say was useful.  No one expects to go through life with out a problem or an issue.

    Please yes have a look at anything I have suggested, By way am not good in Winter too.  So my days do something like as I said before candles with homeopathic oils with a burner.  I use Lavender now and again.  Yes it cold and wet, snowy out side.

     Puzzles word searches I do.  TV off Radio on or like to night Soul Saturday so CD's with my favourite soul songs.

    I am the one who buys all those cheesy groovy sixties compilations of songs no one buys that's me.  Plus anything Northern Soul or Motown helps me to wind down or just keeps me ticking a long.  Do not cost much either.  I am back on the dance floor again.

    Plan for something now if you like.  Have a look on the forum for ideas.  As I said nothing big small steps.

    I understand you in pain I know speaking personally, I have muscle pain , but it is how it is effecting you that is important right now.

    Please can I ask do you have a garden or a balcony small area in your house.  Look at herbs many of them are not for culinary use.  Do not need much room.

    Easy to grow, scented not hard work.  I have problems with my hands feet, fingers missing have not much strength.  I can plant herbs though.  Out in the fresh air not long about ten minutes maybe.  

    Try to make some time to come on the forum I will look out for you.  As I do for all my friends on the forum, helps with ideas, suggestion, useful information.

    Please I hope to speak to you soon.

    Take care in my thoughts and prayers.
  • janejr
    janejr Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering
    Thank you thespiceman I think I like the sound of them herbs , will enjoy some sweet smelling plants. I have a back garden but only been here since June so haven't done anything with it yet. Will buy some little pots and start them inside. Felt really well this morning so started a starter kit for tapestry. Will be good for my sore hands and wrists, give them a bit of a work out . Hope your we'll take care