Seeing team rickshaw has inspired me to do something in 2019...

TheKLF99 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
edited November 2017 in Coffee lounge
On Saturday I travelled up to Cannock to cheer on Team Rickshaw as they made their stop on the way to the Clyde in Glasgow.

It was quite an inspirational moment seeing Luke ride into Cannock on the Rickshaw, not allowing the barrier of his Cerebral Palsy get in the way of doing 500 miles (my mum actually has cerebral palsy as well and I know how much she struggles with that so can imagine how hard it is for Luke to be riding that bike!)

A number of years ago I did the Gold D of E and I looked at this team rickshaw and something crossed my mind about the Gold D of E.  Doing the Gold D of E we did about 50 miles of walking over about 5 days... and I thought this Team Rickshaw has just done 66 miles in just one day - ok they're on a bike which is a bit different.

I then thought to myself I wonder if it's possible to plan a similar charity fundraiser for our local autistic charities in Shropshire.  Yes I know it would be intense and it would probably take a bit of planning but I wondered if it would be possible.  I did a quick google on doing a bike ride and put the starting location as Goodwood Motor Circuit (as I know where that is and if doing the ride I'd prefer not to start it in London, but start it somewhere outside of London as I don't think I'd cope with all the noise and everything).

I then put Edinburgh in as the finishing location and put by bike - surprisingly enough Google maps calculated a route - apparently it's 515 miles and would take 44 hours to complete using a national cycle route all the way up (and even taking in Shrewsbury and Ludlow).

I talked to a few people at Autonomy about it and I've thought the best date to try and do it would be around the Autistic Week in 2019 as that gives a year to plan it, some of them at the autistic group said it sounded like a good idea but could it not be shorter like maybe Worcester to Shrewsbury or something - yeah sounds good but I was quite intent on actually doing a heck of a big ride with a big challenge... but then something crossed my mind - what if I break the ride up into sections and find small autistic groups all along the route, and see if their members would be up for doing a short bike ride for their groups along each route - so for example maybe people from Shropshire Autonomy could do Worcester to Telford, people from Aspie could do maybe Gloucester to Worcester, etc... and also have those that want to do the full amount doing the full amount, so it would be one main cycle event broken up into smaller mini-cycle events, possibly even having it that anyone doing the main cycle route would do it for the NAS where as the people doing the smaller routes would do it for their local charities.

Of course knowing my troubles with ADHD it might never get anywhere this idea, but it would be nice to try and achieve and as I managed to achieve the D of E a number of years ago surely this is acheivable, just wondering what does everyone else think about this idea - is it do-able?


  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Sounds like you're motivated and have amazing reason for doing it. Can't think of any reason you can't go for it!!