ESA being under paid

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  • Dianeathene
    Dianeathene Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Does anyone know the weekly ammount we have been undrpayed!
  • Dianeathene
    Dianeathene Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Does anyone know the weekly ammount we have been undrpayed!

  • Brokenman
    Brokenman Community member Posts: 7 Connected
    Hi there. I was told about this 'error' last week by my daughter who knew i had been on I.B then been changed to esa Feb 2014. So I rang the D.W.P simply to ask them the question "Do you owe me some money". I thought that was a reasonable question considering the dates I had. The bloke said they had had a lot of people enquiring about it and they would send me a form to fill in. Fair enough I thought a form. Probably a simple one page to state when you switched over etc. How stupid of me to think such a thing. The form came through its called a ESA3 which is a change of circumstance form for ESA
    49 PAGES,,!! The form is exactly that, a change of circumstance form.  Obviously I rang them and said you have sent me the wrong form, to which I was told that the ESA3 form is the form they have been told to send out to claimants of this underpayment from THEM. I tried to point out to them that all i wanted was a simple question answered "Do you owe me money" i aas told that is the form and thats that.
    Now when you see this form, which a lot of us on here have filled in and taken all the stress and anxiety that comes with it. When they send you that, for money that they haven't paid you, what do you think? If I fill this in are they going to call me in for another assessment and treat this like a whole new claim for ESA?
    The form has absolutely NOTHING ! ZERO!  ZILCH! to do with their underpaying you ESAor I.B whichever it is. My heads so scrambled at the moment I don't even know which one it is. But the form has nothing NOTHING to do with the claim well not even a claim. It's a bloody question. Do you owe me money? Oh ok sir I'll send you a 49 page form to fill in and then I'll tell you. So not a YES or a NO? "Sorry sir, you must fill in this claim form that has nothing to do with what you are requesting, before I can answer that highly technical question.
    What the hell is all this all about? I truly believe they are trying to scare you into not claiming it... It's beyond disgusting.
    I shall be sending a copy of this to Frank Field who chairs the relevant commons committee. 
  • Brokenman
    Brokenman Community member Posts: 7 Connected
    Thanks for the reply Mike,
      Now in reply let's start with the Means tested benefit. They knew at the time what your (3rd person) 'Means' were and im not sure but have a feeling that they can ask for your bank statements at anytime. I know the housing benefit can and do. The same applies to housing tax..And by law you have to let them know of changes.
    I'll do the rest later Mike, I have a disability that affects my concentration and short term Memory. Im burnt out at the mo.