Hi, how is everyone?

Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
Hi, how is everyone doing?


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @Neil2017
    Im not too bad thank you, how are you?
  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    Hi @Sam_Scope
    i am good thank you. Are you all prepared for Xmas?
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Im getting there!!! Still have a lot to do!  Still need to wrap gifts, ice my cake and deliver some pressies!

    We volunteer as a family on christmas eve at a local charity that puts on a christmas dinner for anyone who wants to go, usually people who are isolated, alone or cant afford to celebrate and I am really looking forward to that.

    And then christmas day will be a quiet and chilled out day with my husband and three kids!

    Are you ready?
  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    I am as ready as i’ll Ever be!

    wow, that sounds very charitable of you and your family to help with a Xmas dinner for those less fortunate. I have heard a lot on the news this year that homelessness has increased and more people using food banks.

    also read that book called A Street Cat Named Bob.very enlightened to busking and sales of Big Issue as well as befriending the cat
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I wanted to see the film of a streetcat named Bob!! I may try and do that over christmas!!

    I have three teenage kids and we started volunteering a few years ago over christmas becuase I really wanted to teach them that christmas is not about getting presents, it is about community, family and caring for others.

    It's been a great experience for them all and they look forward to it as much as we do.  We go and wrap gifts, peel veg, dress tables and generally help out and it sets us up in a christmassy mood!
  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    Great. Hope you have a good time with your husband and children.

    i emphasise with your way of thinking exactly. Christmas seems to have become overly commercialised the last decade or so. Been to my local garden centres and although it looks nice for display it is just masses of decorations like lighting, ornaments and Santa’s. Each to there own I suppose and it keeps somebody in business.

    Hope you have a good one and get to see the Street Cat... film at some point.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi @Neil2017

    I'm new here and just saying 'hello' - impressed already by some of the comments of yours that I've seen.
    Wishing you the happiest possible Christmas and New Year,
  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    Hello @RichardVR

    Good to meet you on here. Thanks for the feedback. I try my best and it is supposed to be the goodwill time of year - am nasty after January 1st (only kidding!).

    Have a great Xmas yourself and anyone your with.
  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Hi @Neil2017 I'm doing well thank you, a lot better than I thought after my day out with my daughter on Thursday.

    I haven't gotten round to reading a streetcat named Bob, but found the film a great watch.

    Hope you have a great Christmas.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Neil2017 How are you?  Please can I thank you for the comments and feedback from anything I have written.  Pleasure to know and meet you.  Hope you are OK?  I am one of these people who finds it difficult to interact face to face.  Being on here I find it easy to talk.  I know as you see from my blogs do go on a bit.  This is my lifeline and rarely speak or see anybody.  So I hope you understand I get an upbeat feeling when anybody responds.  Make my day.  Every one has a story to share.  There experiences and knowledge.  All good.  Best wishes and take care.  Look forward to reading more.
  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    Hi @Geoark
    Great to hear from you. Good to hear your day out with your daughter went well. 

    I have read read the book, but not seen the film of A Street Cat. Named Bob. Animated CGI in U.K. seems to be in again with Paddington bear.

    Ditto to you. Have a great Xmas.
  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    Hello @thespiceman
    I am good thanks. Good to see your comments on here as well. Who is OK - don’t know that person - I am Neil :). Just joking, I fine thanks.

    Yes, I am the same in some ways, don’t see anyone of my own age group for days. Recently had a bad cold and just didn’t feel like doing much at all. Then sometimes I meet people and wonder what do I really have in common apart from the disability. It gets me out of the house.

    i an often better at writing stuff than saying it. But other tge years I do wonder if people are really listening - often tgey’re not / just interested in there own egos and amusements.

    make my day - wasn’t that a part of a phrase from a Clint Eastwood film?! Probably one of his spaghetti westerns. Not seen them but liked that In the Line of Fire one he did in the 90s. 

    Yes there are are a lot of experiences out there sensory as well as physical and mental. Take Carr yourself and no doubt will write more.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Neil2017 Sorry not well. I hope you feel better.  Favourite cure for cold hot water, lemon sliced with honey a teaspoon.  Ginger tea another one or a good chilli chicken curry.  Being the spiceman have tried them all.  All good.  Can take a joke or two or three.  Have a daft sense of humour.  Had to it copes with what life throws at you.  All of us need to stand back just relax.  As I said recently to some one it helps to ease away the pain.  Having a sense of humour.  The phrase make my day comes from the Dirty Harry Series of films.  Clint Eastwood film the Fistful of Dollars the first Spaghetti Western he did in 1964 has the notoriety of being the least number of words spoken by an actor.  I believe he only spoke 120 words in the film.  There you go another bit of useless info.  Mind you it can be useful this sort of thing.  I once used to do quizzes around the area I lived in.  So questions like that come around a lot.  The money pots are not bad but if the big breweries used to sponsor the quizzes and big bucks arrived.  This being the eighties and well in those days wanted a different crowd.    Those were my drinking days and how I ever remembered anything I surprised myself.  By the way I will always look to see if you have added any contributions to the forum.  There are a number of us who like to contribute.  Every one has a view and an opinion which is good.  I have written stuff on the forum and I always like a debate.  Whether you agree or not.    Hope to speak to you soon take care.
  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    Hi @thespiceman. Not sure if I wrote that well. I meant I had had a cold. Am over it now. Much better thanks.

    Interseting information on some of the Clint Eastwood films. Didn’t know Dirty Harry was that old. Not seen many of his films. Saw a few of Jack Nicholson films this year at the cinema as he reached 80. Chinatown and One Flew Over tge Cuckoos Nest very good. Didn’t think much of The Shining and his small part in Easy Rider. 

    All good stuff tiff for keeping the mind active, stretched or whatever
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Neil2017 Thank you All good stuff though it helps.  Last time went to the cinema said I will sit over there.  You can t do that that is where the organist sits.  Seriously the last time went to cinema too many people eating. All you could hear was the munch munch of crisps and the constant talking.  I had enough better at home.  Yes I heard Jack Nicholson eighty gosh where does time go.  Most of his movies like China town and One Flew Over Cuckoo Nest iconic.  Only actor to win Oscars in 70s , 80s. 90s. Like a lot of the crime movies he did.  Prizzi Honour and he did a movie with Michael Caine but can not think of it.  Has a iconic soundtrack uses classical music.  The overtop joker in the first Batman franchise in the nineties.  Then there is Something Got To Give with Diane Keaton just so true for us older romantics.  Yes I like keep my mind active.  Have to the health bit here for a long time had to take a drug for when I came off booze and drugs.  Need to take because of worry that I have caused dementia.  That what it does for the body.  Being an alcoholic.  Do still forgot stuff and have to use diaries and plan things.  Other wise forget.  This helps having reminders of films and the nonsense stuff.  Done funny stuff like went shopping two days running buying the same items.  Bad day forget went day previous.  Turned up appointments week late and get days mixed up.  Even today think today is a Friday.  Always wake up check diary.  Support worker sent me texts reminders and now all that gone.  Have to rely on diary and this helps.  All the triggers I get here reminding me.  Thank you  I am worse when I get stressed and that is why that helps.  Talking about stuff.  So thank you.  Also get bad when I am depressed and anxious so thank you again Take care speak to you soon