thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
Hello every body.  Just sending a message of support.  Finding it hard and difficult on this day.  Words can be a comfort.  I would like to thank you all for sending me wise words and much comfort.  Being on my own is always stressful but what helps is the love and warmth from people in our community.  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  I hope to support you all for as long I am part of this community.  Best wishes and take care.  It has been a pleasure to know you all and as long that may continue.


  • Barrylad1957
    Barrylad1957 Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Excellent and timely post, @thespiceman, thank you mate. I've just replied to your comments from the 20th (yeah, late, I know, but I dont have internet access every day). My mate Martyn and I went down to Birkenhead last night with a few old sleeping bags, parkas, scarves and stuff, to the areas where those who have no home to call their own usually congregate, and all three places we looked were, to our surprise, deserted. It is tempting to hope that they had all either been taken in by their families or someone close, or that one of our local organisations had managed to go against the efforts and wishes of our local Labour council, and found a place to accommodate them, because the alternatives present limited appeal. 
    Like you, I have found this community to be a great source of comfort since becoming unwell in the last year, and the invaluable information supplied by the Scope staff AND community members has been solid gold. Having limited access to internet, Its been great for me to find others, like yourself, who dont keep regular hours, whom I can identify with and relate to, there is always somebody HERE; May you all always be.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Good to see you @thespiceman. Have been thinking of you.
    Every Christmas Eve, Christmas Day for the last 12 years or so we've had a bunch of people with us who would otherwise have been largely alone - all retired, elderly, and resident in homes where most of their companions have gone away for the period. It is great to get to spend time with them and get away from the lurid commercialism everywhere else.
    Have been wanting to get on here, though, and say 'hi'.
    Best wishes to you, and to @Barrylad1957
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Barrylad1957 How are you?  Hope you OK Thank you for replying.  Please do not worry if you either forget to reply   I am always pleased to hear from you.  I know internet access is sometimes limited.  If you send anything I will make a reply just great.  You remind me of the time I used to Crisis At Christmas or help out at various places.  That deal with addiction, the homeless etc.  That is great doing something rewarding.  I agree with you the social awareness of our society is changing.  Last couple of weeks considering doing it again but being on the vulnerable side I just felt leave it alone.  Went on the websites of various organisations found it all very much becoming too commercial.  In the old days about twenty yrs plus just rang some one, if I recall name on list then turn up or asked to be picked up.  Offer donation.  This year wanted a about £30 one of the organisations.  Then I was worried am I being tight could I afford it.  Where is the money going to.  Told  supporting homeless in what way.  No real straight answers.  Expected to give money I need to know where is it going.  I am I think I am a civil sort of gentleman and have been generous to charities and given my time and donations many times.  I feel I am caring but lately this year and last year given time volunteering but felt used and abused by organisations.  I hope that the coming year is good for you and best wishes.  I look forward to speaking to you again.  Take care
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @RichardVR How are you?  How has the day gone?  Thank you kind words.  Yes I have been thinking of all the wonderful people who I have talked to.  Thank you all.  Yes I know that one of the societies issues at this time of year.  Think of all the elderly who are on there own.  That must be great helping them out.  They must so grateful to you and for your time.  I am sure they will appreciate the companionship and having someone to talk to.  I know my thoughts are always with people who struggle and have worse problems than me.  I am looking forward to the New Year and the onward fight and recognition for our community.  The outcomes of what this Tory Government has inflicted on us all is all to be laid bare.  Next year a change is going to come as they say.  Best wishes and take care
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi @thespiceman
    and my apologies for not getting back to you sooner. It's been my turn to be under the weather today and I've slept most of it. Yesterday, the 25th, went pretty well. We wore only a small group but the meal and company were greatly enjoyed. I hope your day was okay?

    I am reading a fascinating book at the moment: "The Victorian City: Everyday life in Dickens' London". Having read quite a lot on the subject, I have to say that this book is one of the best - so far - that I've come across. most such books begin with Victoria's ascent to the throne, whilst this one begins with the time of Dickens' pre-Victorian birth and covers about the first half of Victoria's reign, up to Dickens' death in the 1870s. This makes it clearer how much certain things changed from the Georgian/Regency era to Victoria's and it is dismaying to see the growth of attitudes from the 1830s and 40s which seem to be still the predominant attitudes of the Tories and Republicans of today. The poor and disadvantaged are never 'our' problem always 'someone else's'.

    Have to go lie down again now :) Look forward to talking to you soon.
    Take care, friend,
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @RichardVR How are you?  Sorry hear not too good.  I hope you feel better.  Good to hear from you.  Thank you for answering.  This is Wednesday and just can not believe still playing carols, Christmas tunes and the like.  Time is up now Christmas is over thank you every body.  That is what I want to say.  Good reading I have read anything for ages.  Should really.  Used to do.  Talking of Dickens all good stuff.  Dickens as you well know published his stories with illustrations.  I forget the guy who did them  Any way bought a long time ago leather bound copies of all the novels with illustrations from this guy.  Sorry can not think of names.  Really lovely good in book shelf.  Gave them to my sister never again cost me a bomb but I had money looked really swish.  Got the impression of a frog back you know read it, read it.  Absolutely horrified explained well what is the point.  By way not the originals not that rich then but early  20th Century copies.  Next thing I found out car boot that is when they ended up.  Me shouting at her do know how much they cost me?  Thought in that bookcase you have.  That was the last ever time bought any family member anything.  I hope you coped with the day and I hope you take it easy.  Great to talk to you my friend.  Thank you for sharing your life experiences and knowledge.  I was talking today to a lad like myself.  Told about SCOPE and this forum.  I hope he enrols because I am meeting so many amazing people who have stories to share.  I am also learning and being educated which good.  Take care speak to you soon.
  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    Hello @thespiceman
    Sorry to hear you were struggling through Christmas Day. Hope you are doing a bit better now and not snowed in.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Neil2017 Thank you reply thank you for being supportive.  Just like everybody else getting to me now.  Still playing Christmas Music on the radio and even worse carols on Classic Fm.  Sorry guys enough is enough.  How are you anyway?  How are you coping?  Been out today restock shopping utter madness because yes shops close again one day next week.  I was told that my store shut yesterday.  So glad did not go out crazy.  Today going out mad drivers over taking me.  Got ice and bit of snow.  People do not take care.  I am muttering under my breath slow down or you will end having a crash and could end up like me.  Disabled.  I am not one to wish back luck or harm but some times just be careful out here every one I say.  Great to chat and hope to speak to you soon take care
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hello @thespiceman. Good to hear from you, though sorry to hear what happened to your Dickens collection. Robert Seymour was the first major illustrator of Dickens' work, I think, but the one probably most renowned was Hablot Knight Browne who drew under the famous pseudonym 'Phiz'. Lots of Dickens was illustrated by Phiz and written by Boz (probably, they tell me, pronounced 'boze', rhyming with 'toes' :) See what useless stuff I can come up with :D ?
    And you're right. Christmas is OVER. Why do people not get that? Hope you don't mind my admitting that I am an 'unbeliever', which means that the vast majority of 'Christmas' music is tedious for me. I think you are a 'believer' still, though not a church attender? I loathe Christmas for a great many reasons, but I make as much of it as I can for those who are still committed to it.
    I'm much better myself and my health issue is not at all significant in comparison to what most folks here at Scope have to cope with, and most of mine is largely self-inflicted - too little exercise and too much red wine for the most part, exacerbated by depression. Good Ol' Black Dog has been my companion since childhood and won't seem to go away regardless of medication.
    Truth is, the pleasure of chatting to you and others on here probably does the most to push the depression away. It is GREAT to talk to you too.
    Do hope you're coping okay and having as good a time as you can.

  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    Christmas is not over until after New Year. Some people work on the main holidays and have their Xmas afterwards. Also, children from broken families have 2 Xmas periods or celebrations. A lady I know saw her children on Xmas Eve and won't see them again until Friday. Will therefore have another Xmas then. The courts are very fond of giving absent parents a week with their children at Xmas.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited February 2018
    Hello @RichardVR Thank you for replying.  Yes that's the guy who illustrated the Dickens Phiz.  Thank you for reminding me.  No it not useless stuff.  It is fascinating any thing like that.  I hate chat once weather and how you are over.  Got to much more of a chat than that.  Used to get into trouble because I rant and rave over what I call interesting stuff.  Yet the person having a go at me.  Can not string a conversation together.  Just sitting nothing to say.  Please can I say each to their own over the religion issue.  Met non believers and believers plus faiths of sorts and sects.  This is what makes a community.  Every one has their own beliefs and opinions and views.  I love debating on the issues that matter.  Religion is a big one to me as I do not go to church and use the bible to comfort and ease me along the way.  I have read many books on Religion and non Religion.  All more strings to my bow and more cards for my index file in my head.  I not one to quote text either although I have favourite passages.  I know members of our community quote them.  Thank you for choosing them and quoting them.  Great to use and learn from.  I see you have bouts of depression I understand this totally.  I am the same.  Mind from teens but really just mild at minute.  Please I hope you will be OK.   I know from reading what you say You are part of our community.  I am glad you are on board.  Please I am concerned about your health as you would be about mine.  I am glad I can help with the depression.  I know I have been clean free from booze and drugs for ten years.  Eleven next year I just can not believe it.  Went into a pub last month first time for ten years.  Shaking and shuddering, sweaty.  Had to give it a try.  Never again though.  Too much but I did it.  Talking about drinking I apologise.  I used to be a red wine drinker and found it was nearly making me worse.  Anxious and depressed reaching for a bottle.  Not saying this is your answer but I had to change I was hurting me and my friendships.  Took me eighteen months to come off.  Hardest thing I had to do.  I would never ever advise any one to stop because the body reacts to not having any if you stop.  Always end up seeking professional help first if you wished to stop.  That is your choice just being honest my friend.  One of the organisations I joined do say that which is the wrong thing to do.  Been told by health professional.  I had to leave.  Mind you since coming off a lot better just mental side still bad.  Get anxious a lot and now again bouts depression.  Meds are working to a degree.  I hope you keep well and speak to you soon.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Topkitten Thank you for reminding me of families and their arrangements over Christmas.  I apologise.  I had friendships and relationships with ladies who had children.  The Christmas time was particularly strained and hard for all concerned and I understand that.  Best wishes and my support for all those going through that difficulty around this year.  I forgot Christmas extends to New Year gets to me playing music and the like constant.  I know certain faiths and religions celebrate different days.  Hope you OK speak to you soon