Financial aid to refurb bathroom

lizzie65 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
hi everyone- me and my husband are moving to a ground floor flat because he can’t manage stairs anymore- he is in receipt of DLA ANDmiddle rate care component- can we get financial help to take out bath and put a walk in shower. Thanks for help 


  • Neil2017
    Neil2017 Online Community Member Posts: 154 Contributor
    Hi @lizzie65

    An interesting question. I am not totally sure that you would definitely get help on your husband’s DLA income and what rates he is on alone as this is not a means tested benefit. You might have to look at what other income including benefits you get in your household in total. 

    There may be some information on the general Scope website about this. But also contacting your local authority eg the adult or social services department could be a good starting point. Secondly, there may also be grants available from charities that are applicable to your husbands disabilities or conditions. Again perhaps more info is available via Scopes info pages.

    A third place to look could be the website as this may allow you to search and find out if there is any funding from the DWP via grants or specific government loans.

    Hope this helps you as I understand it could be of great benefit to your husband .
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering

    Hi @lizzie65

    The main source of assistance for disabled people needing adaptations to their home is a Disabled Facilities Grant. For adults this is means-tested. The financial assessment is fairly complex so you would need to speak to your local authority (who administer Disabled Facilities Grants) to enquire if you and your husband would be eligible. You can information about Disabled Facilities Grants on the Scope website:

    If this doesn't work out for you and you need to apply for charitable funding then you could use the grant search tool on the Scope website to try to identify organisations to apply to:

    Hope this helps
