DLA to pip transfer

kieransmum Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
edited January 2018 in Families and carers
Hi all. My son turned 16 recently so had to transfer from DLA to pip.  He has cerebral palsy gmfcs level 2 motor skills difficulties and some learning disabilities. It's been refused, I'm gobsmacked how they think he's not entitled to it. I sent 6 years worth of paperwork from doctors, physio ot his ehcp....I'm going to appeal but struggling to get new evidence, has anyone been through this? 


  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    edited January 2018

    A Facebook friend of mine had a similar problem.  Her son was refused PIP after DLA/PIP transfer but was able to get a second assessment after which he received PIP.   My friend is a member of :

    esa/dla/pip advice and support uk only

    on FB and received advice from them.   I think my friend also contacted her MP.

    There are several disability benefits support groups on FB - do a search. 
    Many people of all ages on here have been refused PIP which has been restored either at mandatory reconsideration or tribunal appeal stage.  Disability Rights UK site has a good guide to PIP in general including the appeal process.

  • Lasian_Alumni
    Lasian_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 650 Empowering

    Hi @kieransmum

    I’m sorry to hear about the problems you’ve been having with PIP. 

    We have a lot of useful information about appealing a DWP benefits decision on our website, including some resources on Mandatory Reconsiderations. You may find the following video of interest: 


    Citizens Advice also has some information regarding mandatory reconsideration.

    Please do let me know if this helps, or get in touch if you have any questions!

  • ParentingAdvisorVikki
    ParentingAdvisorVikki Online Community Member Posts: 45 Connected
    Few questions:
    What rate DLA was you receiving first? 
    What was the grounds for turning it down?
    We recently attended an ESA medical for my wife, and were denied that because "if she were in a wheelchair she could work". Which I think is highly unprofessional and a bit unnecessary. 

  • kieransmum
    kieransmum Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    He was receiving low rate care and low rate mobility. I didn't totally agree with that but didn't want to rock the boat. They've basically said there's nothing wrong with his upper body, which is so wrong. All of his medical reports state all four limbs are affected and he has poor fine motor skills and a visual perception difficulty. The assessor has gone against everything his doctors have ever said. He went to physio yesterday and they have said he really needs to start using a wheelchair as he's so tired he has to sleep after school and the night before last he couldn't get down stairs because of muscle spasms. He's fought to stay out if a wheelchair for 6 years but I think he's accepted he needs it now. These assessments are stupid and go against all medical evidence I don't understand how they can do that.
  • ParentingAdvisorVikki
    ParentingAdvisorVikki Online Community Member Posts: 45 Connected
    I totally agree. We get DLA for our little boy who is 6 and pip for our son who is 18. 
    Both can walk. but have no propreacepetive skills, or spacial awareness and therefore they fall or bang into things. We get high rate for PIP for the older one and a car. 
    I would appeal and ask the relevant medical professionals to attend. My friend took her mental health nurse and they overturned the decision! 
  • kieransmum
    kieransmum Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    I intend too. It's just so stressful, and really unfair. He has a real need, and they just undermined everything we've ever been told. It's horrendous how they can do that to people. I feel bad for putting him through the assessment, because he doesn't cope well with those kinds of things. So was really hard for him. And now I feel like he went through it for nothing. I've wrote a ten page mandatory reconsideration letter and highlighted relevant medical evidence and sent a report from his school. So let's see what they have to say about that.
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  • kieransmum
    kieransmum Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    I sent the MRI results the lot. I've got a representative from the county council. Hope I've done enough
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    So sorry to hear about your situation, @kieransmum- do keep us updated.
  • kieransmum
    kieransmum Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    Thank yiu, I will do.
    He's currently got the flu so  he can't even move, his muscles all ways seem to seize up when he's poorly. So hard when they've grown bigger then you.

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  • kieransmum
    kieransmum Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    Thank you. I'd do anything for that boy. He's such a diamond. Just wish the support kept coming for him, everything's always a battle from regular physio to DWP benefits something always seems to mess up. Xxx