John8378166 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
edited January 2018 in Everyday life
Good Morning everyone,

I had a phone call on Monday morning, asking me if I would except standard rate instead of going to the tribunal service.

Im amaze for this to happen but having sat and thought about it they were scared of me going to tribunal, knowing i would get enhance on both components. very clever people the DWP.
I accepted there offer mainly i don't think i could face the appeal appointment i had. 

I have posted before, telling everyone who goes through this awful intimidation from DWP to contact your MP, by letter or email, this is what i did in total about four times, so please don't give up, you are a human and not a piece of dirt on the bottom of someone's shoe.

So don't despair, be there for everyone who has the same problem with the situation we all find how selves in. We didn't have computers to lift girds, spade rock or coal. the manual work which we all have done has caused these problems we adopt through out our working life.





  • Katy_Alumni
    Katy_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor
    Hi @John8378166 thanks for sharing! Good idea about contacting local MPs and encouraging them to take this forward.
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    edited January 2018
    Thanks for sharing this with us @John8378166, as Katy says it's a great thing to share your experiences with MPs and those in positions of power. 
  • John8378166
    John8378166 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thank you for your lovely comments, but it very important that people do this, MP's are there for a purpose and must be told about what's happening with DWP.
    I found it very strange for them to contact me, I thought it was a scam at first but perhaps the result I may have or could have had a better one.

    So I urge everyone to contact their MP, they will reply it's there job to do so, perhaps not straight away but they will trust me.
    I'm a PIP person at pension age, with over 47 years work in my pocket, but not a thick one like DWP & the accessors we all have come across treat us.

    A lot of people don't know how to appeal or afraid to, it is these I feel very sorry for, help people like these, because everyone needs help some time in what life brings to us all.

    My Best Regards,
  • paulapickles
    paulapickles Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Great advice thk u. Something needs to change , I was on high rate mobility on dla and wen I was sent for the pip change over I got 0 points at all Iv fought n fought for 5 years as my illnesses will not get better but even after sending copies of my dla reports , medical evidence and nearly every appointment letter  and so on the letter came yesterday still 0points its driving me insane with worry ,I am appealing and will write to my mo thk u.
  • John8378166
    John8378166 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    HI, Paulapickles You must appeal against the decision the DWP want people to give up I'm saying please don't. I know it's very hard to cope with such stress when you are well but when you are poorly it becomes impossible to tackle these issues. Write or email your MP, it may sound strange but a lot of MP's don't like what is happening to the disabled people of this country. The plus sign is that it will show DWP that you mean business, but be sure that you put a reference number plus date on your correspondence to all concerned, this, this will help you. Best Wishes, John