disabled person face possible homeless due to government benefits cut

bernadettev Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
hi my name is Bernadette. I'm not disabled, but I have met someone - Sam, who is disabled, around mid30s, unemployed, living alone and in needs of dire help. He looks malnutrition, define in an electronic wheel chair, and seems having some skin problems (along with his little dog - Chip, which has a huge tumour at the back of his neck).

From what Sam told me, since the government benefits cut, he hasn't been unable to pay his rent for nearly two months now, in his council housing.The biggest problem he faces is either feed himself and the dog, or put money into his electric meter to keep warm or have electricity in the flat. The biggest fear for him right now, is that he may face homelessness if he continued unable to pay for his rent.

Sam is in St Neots, Cambridgeshire, and I wonder if there's any help, funding or support he can get. Like someone to help him with reapplying benefits for the benefits he needs, or access to some kind of immediate help for his rent. I can only help him so little financially out of my own pocket. I can also see it's a real issue that if he became homeless, his chance of survival is very low, as he's permanently define in his wheelchair, and often face abuse in the street.

Any suggestions are very welcome, or any direction I could help him to look at, and have the right people to help him. (I have been thinking about setting up a gofundme page for him to solve his current rent arrear issue, but it's not a long term solution for him, he'll need something more to assist him, for both his physical condition and mental health).

Thanks so much in advance
