Can I email the DWP instead of phoning?

susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
i have difficulty with my speech and need to ask if the DWP have received my PIP Appeal decision award letter.
My friend and son usually help with things but are both working and can’t call for me today.
is there an email address I can use to ask the question.



  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @susan48, this information on alternative contact methods is from the page on PIP:

    Other ways to claim

    If you find it difficult to use the telephone, you can claim by post or by using a text relay or video relay service.

    Send information by post

    You can get a form to send information by post (although this can delay the decision on your claim). Write a letter to ask for the form.

    Personal Independence Payment New Claims 
    Post Handling Site B 
    WV99 1AH 

    Text relay

    If you can’t hear or speak on the phone you can use the Next Generation Text(NGT) relay service.

    NGT relay service
    Dial: 18001 then 0800 917 2222
    Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
    Find out about call charges

    Video relay

    If you’re deaf and use British Sign Language (BSL) you may be able to use a video relay service:

    The service is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

  • keira
    keira Online Community Member Posts: 160 Empowering

    Email options available for disabled people

    DWP offers email communication as a reasonable adjustment to disabled customers who require it.

    Disabled customers who think they would benefit from email communication should contact us using the details on the last communication they received from us, or let us know when they next get in touch.

    We’ll work with the customer to find out whether email is the most suitable means of communication. If it is, we’ll let them know how we’ll set it up for them.

    If you have any queries, email

  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Many Thanks to you both .
    i will look into this.
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Hi Keira, thanks for the links but having trouble with the email address you put in your post.
    will try writing it down and emailing that way, trued looking on DWP website 

  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    i managed to email DWP re communication problems. 
    Will just wait to see how long this takes

  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    I’m screaming in my head!!!!!
    emailed the DWP regarding communication via email on not even a response, how am I supposed to contact them, cannot talk and they don’t reply to bloody emails
  • PTSDdisabled
    PTSDdisabled Posts: 41 Connected
    keira said:

    Email options available for disabled people

    DWP offers email communication as a reasonable adjustment to disabled customers who require it.

    Disabled customers who think they would benefit from email communication should contact us using the details on the last communication they received from us, or let us know when they next get in touch.

    We’ll work with the customer to find out whether email is the most suitable means of communication. If it is, we’ll let them know how we’ll set it up for them.

    If you have any queries, email

    Hello Kiera,

    I attempted to use the email you provided, one with oed in the address, one without.  I received the following messages

    Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: (
    The email address that you entered couldn't be found. Check the address and try resending the message. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk.

    Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: (
    The email address that you entered couldn't be found. Check the address and try resending the message. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk.

    I copied and pasted the email address directly from your post.


  • PTSDdisabled
    PTSDdisabled Posts: 41 Connected
    susan48 said:
    I’m screaming in my head!!!!!
    emailed the DWP regarding communication via email on not even a response, how am I supposed to contact them, cannot talk and they don’t reply to bloody emails
    I have phoned them, written to them, had CAB and my M.P contact them. Got a pack of lies back, luckily I can prove their lies with copies of recorded delivery receipt which evidences their lying about not receiving letters! Similar with phone calls, I have screen shots! 

    I have not had any responses since Oct 2017.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    susan48 said:
    I’m screaming in my head!!!!!
    emailed the DWP regarding communication via email on not even a response, how am I supposed to contact them, cannot talk and they don’t reply to bloody emails
    Type & print a letter and post it to them?
  • mehrfarbig
    mehrfarbig Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    edited October 2018
    I 100% recommend text relay over any other form of communication with DWP! I use it myself. If you can type and read you can use it. You can also have them talk to you but you write back if speech is your area of difficulty. 

    I find they ignore any other form of communication, I think it just goes straight in the bin. 

    Text relay has been excellent for my independence.
  • affii1993
    affii1993 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    @susan48 any update
  • Hayley35
    Hayley35 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited March 2019
    if you delete the full stop at end of the email address it works !!! I kept getting failed to send then I realised why ?? no email address should have a full stop at end ?? @susan48
  • tracyno1
    tracyno1 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Please has anyone got a email address for PIP please 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    tracyno1 said:
    Please has anyone got a email address for PIP please 
    Try this one.

  • twonker
    twonker Posts: 617 Empowering
    tracyno1 said:
    Please has anyone got a email address for PIP please 
    Try this one.

    Is that email address manned daily? There are so many email addresses that the government use that are literally dead drop boxes as no one monitors them. 

  • Shohna
    Shohna Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    edited December 2019
    “Try this one “

    Hello everyone, 
    As I had to email the DWP today (regarding a home assessment interview that no one turned up for!) one of the automated replies I received back stated the following about their email address, so please take note: 

    “ DWP email addresses are changing and email addresses will soon cease to exist.
    All future emails should be addressed 

    For further information refer to :  “

    Hope this helps  :)
  • starbuck
    starbuck Online Community Member Posts: 188 Empowering
    I had no idea you could email the dwp! Phoning them is a huge problem for me as I have anxiety problems and only use the phone as a last resort. 
    I also prefer email as you then have a record of what they say..
  • Shohna
    Shohna Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Well I’ll admit Starbucks this is my first time emailing them - like you i have issues doing the phone calls and prefer to have all my dealings with them in writing so legally they have to stand by what they say - hence why I looked up the email.
    I did get an automated response from DWP, which I’d more then I got from emailing Capita, so I know the DWP do have my email....What will happen from it is anyone guess.

    My anxiety over the whole situation is getting worse (not helped because my autistic son and daughter are both majorly stressed over it too). 
    Hope the email helps you when you need it  :) 

    starbuck said:
    I had no idea you could email the dwp! Phoning them is a huge problem for me as I have anxiety problems and only use the phone as a last resort. 
    I also prefer email as you then have a record of what they say..

  • starbuck
    starbuck Online Community Member Posts: 188 Empowering
    Thankyou - I hope you hear something soon!
  • misslawbore
    misslawbore Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I hope you did starbuck and shohna! I have emailed the email address: and got an automated reply - wow, just wow. It said my query will be directed to the relevant department