International Women's Day - the top ten disabled women to follow on twitter

Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
As a celebration of International Women's Day, I thought I would share my top ten disabled women to follow on twitter.

Jayonlife - Jay is a disabled black woman who runs the wonderful travel blog JayOnLife  Jay talks about the different sights, sounds and smells of the places and accessibility for disabled people.

LifeofPIppa - Our very own @PippaScope is also one to watch on twitter to keep up with her brilliant arts and theater reviews

Dr Kirsty Liddiard - Kirsty is a sociologist researching disability, sexuality, gender, embodiment and childhood and has written the book 'The Intimate Lives of Disabled people'.

Liz Carr - the brilliant actor from Silent WItness is one to follow on twitter,

ShonaLouise - @shonalouise has written guest posts for us here on the community and her twitter feed is filled with activism and disability news.

Kara Goldfinch - Kara runs a blog talking about being a trans woman who happens to be blind and is well worth a follow!

KellyPeebz - a favourite of us here on the community, Kelly runs a successful business, whilst also being the owner of Kidderminster Harriers, and she has just had the cutest baby! What more could you want?

JackieO - @GingerJaxx has written guest posts for us here on the community and writes the fab blog Just Add Ginger about beauty and lifestyle.

Samantha Renke - Actor and activist Sam is super glam and her twitter feed is one to make you feel a little bit jealous! She also talks about disability and accessibility and is one cool lady!

SoBadAss - OK, so this is really cheeky of me, but I thought I would add myself in here! I love working for Scope, but my other life is one as a blogger.  I have a permanent ostomy bag and I write and speak all over the world about life with invisible impairments.  You can also read about why Ill be away from the community for a few weeks.

Who do you follow on twitter? Do you want to share your own twitter account, or any that you love?