
anixous2017 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Contributor
Well my journey started in September 2017  I had algul cough then I caught Australian flu then a chest infection., by November still coughing  I rang Drs again and I saw a locome as by gp was off, he gave me throuģh examination sent me for urgent chest x-ay as he thought it was possibly heart failure.

The following day I woke with tightness in my chest. So rang 101 was told to go to A-E,  After 7 hrs at hospital I was taken to small room, mind whzzing my husband worried sick. The next words that Drs mouth you have a shadow in top of your lung and it is suspicious lung cancer my heart missed  beat.

The weeks that followed were a blur ct scans chest clinic pet scans, then visit to Dr bhatta Julie. Y Macmillan nurse was ther, the words that followed it is cancer but it' operable, Christmas came and went in January met my surgeon,  he told me what he was doing, it would be open surgery as near my heart, the next few days I spent writing goodbye letters , writing what my husband and daughter needed to do, all sad . February 7th came  I hugged my daughter told her I loved her hugged my grandson. We left home as I looked round my beautiful house thinking could be last time . Got to hospital showered again got in gown and waited at 3.00 my turn, my husband walked to the lift I hugged and kissed him and said sorry.

Five hrs later I woke up in intensive care,  I made it.

It is now March 21st been to see  my onclagist and Dr Lau he gave me pros and cons about chemo, for type rare cancer I had was not good idea I had generic cancer he explained 1 of my cells had broken and had become cancerous, which had formed a tumour, the tumour had successfully been removed the operation was a success. The words that followed I didn' expect , you are in remission. 

NO chemo if the cancer does come back which I pray it doesn't .  It can be treated with a pill.

At this moment I am so glad the last six months are over.

I wear my battle scars with pride., I beat the big C.


  • charlene
    charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering

    Well done you.  What a terrifying but heart warming post.  It is so good to hear you are winning your battle and you are wearing your battle scars with pride.

    When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

  • kimbenson21
    kimbenson21 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Hi @anixous2017, your post was a very heartwarming one. I'm so pleased for you and your family. Long may you stay in remission.