Poor cat

charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering
just fed the cat what I thought was a tin of cat food. Turned out I had fed. him Pea and Ham soup. Looks like I have cat food for tea lol


  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing

    you really ars are having a bad time of it, the trolley, leaving your door open now this.

    maybe it’s your meds?

    take care and enjoy your tea lol x
  • charlene
    charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Lol, I bet the cat food is tastier than the soup.  Still suffering from the as sesame the . Went to bed at 7ish and woke up 9 ish this morning.
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Rests good let’s your brain sleep, hopefully.

    im not having much luck either re tea.

    decided to “try” and cook frozen fish in the oven, hardly use it as I forget it’s on etc, forgot what time I put it in the decided it looked cooked, wrong, frozen in the middle!!  :(

    back to microwave and toaster
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @charlene How are you.?  You story reminds me of a friend.  Who used to meet at Antiques collectors fairs.  He was a dealer.  Too mean to shop so he went to auctions to buy job lots of produce.  You can do this.  Plus other dubious places to get food.  Lived in a mobile home on wheels little camping stove.  Surrounded by clutter his clothes.  His wares and what he sold.

    Usually sold to wholesaler's any way.  Turned up a lot come up no labels on the tins.  Shaking what is that do you think?  Speaking to me.  Any thing could be any thing.  That do for me, he said.

    Always one for a bargain and a deal used to say come back try this.  Could be anything no way.  So in the middle of the day went back to his van came back.  With all these tins rusty bent and looked dreadful.

    Got a tin opener and a bowl from his van opened the first one.  Understandable the stench was over powering as the tin opened out came fish Tuna I think if I recall.

    As he opened each tin the smell was awful and all of us just asked very politely to stop.  We are gents you get my drift.  Customers feeling ill and avoiding us dealers because of the stench.  By the end of the day.  Went home smelt all my clothes.  Been working on a trawler so strong.

    I had this picture of him opening all these tins of food to find it was fish.
  • charlene
    charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering
    As they say, there are more of us out, than in.
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  • charlene
    charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Unique, that's me Vicoriad.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,017 Championing
    edited April 2018
    Sniff your food first.  :)
    Or get a magnifying glass to read the labels? 
    Or a barcode reader that tells you what it is. 
  • sandyp196
    sandyp196 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering
    When I was really unwell last time (I have these kind of fugues) the first thing I noticed when I felt better is that my animals had eaten ok but I had just emptied sachets onto the floor instead of in their bowls. Their bowls were in the sink so I'd obviously decided they needed washing but forgot to give them clean bowls. 
    I was upset at the time, but I saw the funny side, and it made me feel better that I'm still thinking of my animals even when I'm not well and wasn't entirely aware of them. 
    They did look at me a bit funny for a few days and the dog kept licking the floor looking. My cat has more class lol. 
  • charlene
    charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Lol, who needs a vacuum when you have a dog.  When my back is really bad and I am walking around like a tin soldier, I kinda tip the food out in the general direction of the dog and cat bowls. Pretty hit and miss, but like your pets, mine get fed.
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  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,017 Championing
    Reading these posts I am sort of glad I don't cook. 
    Microwaved cat food yummy. 
    Could be worse I suppose, you don't keep fish. 
  • [Deleted User]
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  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    edited June 2018
    U shouldnt give a cat ham it bad for them.my cat used to throw up.try them fish sticks from fish place they love them Kant think of them name don't give ham. Crab sticks I remember then shred it in bits the cat goes wild 
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    U get many purrs n meows