Follow my journey accepting and living with a disability.

rosscolfc Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor
edited April 2018 in Coffee lounge
I will keep this short and sweet. but I have a rare condition (1 in a billion, literally)
I found accepting my disability very hard but over the last few months I've started to Vlog/Blog about my hobbies and I've just got a mobility scooter which was a huge step for me and my pride. It is the best thing I've ever done. I should have done it years ago. 

I would like to help others talks about and accept their disability and not feel stigma I did. 
So please share, follow and comment on my blog, vlogs and twitter.
I have no dreams of being internet famous, just want to get the message out there that we shouldn't allow pride to stop us doing the things we love. 


Plenty to read at