Any help to get an electric bed?

hunnybunny123 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
I would like to know if I can get he!p from mobility for  a electric bed, as I have fibromyalga, spondolisis and osteoarthritis. I have been sleeping in my chair for nearly 9 months. I can't lay flat in bed, I have tried different pillows and bed rests, who h doesn't work as it gets in my husband's way.


  • Lasian_Alumni
    Lasian_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 650 Empowering
    Hi @hunnybunny123

    Have you talked to your GP about getting a referral to an occupational therapist? They can help you with getting the equipment and aids that you need. I'm not sure about an electric bed specifically, but it could be good to hear their suggestions  :)
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering

    Hi @hunnybunny123

    Welcome to the community.

    By 'mobility' do you mean the mobility component of PIP? If so and you have been awarded the benefit you can spend it on whatever you wish, you are not restricted on how you decide to spend it.

    It sounds as if it would be very wise to have an assessment by the Community Occupational Therapist (OT) to determine what aids or adaptations may be appropriate for you. You could ask your GP for a referral or just self refer. You will be able to contact the OT via the Social Care department of your local authority.

    It tends to be very difficult to get an electric adjustable bed provided via the OT as the threshold for evidenced clinical need is high. However, even if they can't provide a bed they may be able to suggest other options to make you more comfortable.

    In any case any bed provided would normally be a single, not a double, so if the primary reason for not being able to use the other equipment you have previously tried is because as you state it "get's in your husband's way" then it is likely that you will be advised to sleep in separate beds and use pillow raiser, foam wedges etc to assist with your sleeping position.   

    Some people are successful getting charitable funding towards the cost of equipment that they can't get from statutory sources. To explore potential charity funders see:

    Best Wishes



  • Lynne53
    Lynne53 Online Community Member Posts: 52 Contributor
    Not much use now but the cost of electric beds is coming down so long as you don't want all singing and dancing ones. I managed to save for mine fairly quickly. Bearing mind that they take up more space and the sheets are mor expensive as they are not standard single size.
  • nanof6
    nanof6 Online Community Member Posts: 199 Empowering
    hi hunny bunny, my OT arranged a hospital bed for me, i couldn't manage without it, and it gets serviced every year.  good luck.
  • colet
    colet CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 101 Empowering
    Occupational therapist is your best port of call first, is best