thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
Hello everybody thought tell you my plans for a herb garden.   Would like to share and hope inspire others. This is part 1.  As I wish to share with you in parts.  Then you can decide I could or would like to do that.

Understand first if you wish to do a herb garden.  What sort of plants could I have in a garden.

Knowledge looking on the web is often a good start.  Certain herbs come from sunny climates but adapt well to cold days and nights.  Herbs from the Med.  Like Rosemary, Thyme adapt well to our climate.

Understand also maintaining the garden  Most herbs do not need watering all the time..  Also the nature of your disability.  For example I have problems with lifting and carrying.  Upper body strength not good.  Then you want to plant herbs that are small and miniature in size.

What about the cost.  Set your self a budget.  Compost and need any equipment or consider footwear and gloves.  Water can.  Need with easy to hold and grip.

Plan where are you going to put the herbs and plots.  Make a sketch.  Where you would like the herbs planted.  Remember also bear in mind need to be in places that can benefit sun, rain and shelter.  Also do your research.  Herbs like Mint can be evasive.   Can not be planted in the ground. If not sure.  Ask garden centres or I have been taking advice from my friend @Victoriad

Thank you to her. 

Decided to use plastic tubs  For some of the small varieties I obtained..  I decided that because can lift them and put them in my property over cold days and nights.  Especially Frost and Winter.

Bought Lavender two of, Rosemary two of, Thyme two types ,Sage one, Oregano one. Bay two of.

Got two tubs filled the bottom with for drainage.  lightweight Vermiculite chips.  Helps water seep into the pots down to the roots of the plants.

In one tub put the Thymes I had bought.  The second one. put in Oregano, Sage and another Thyme.

Emptied the compost in to each tub.  Halfway add the herb.  Take it out of container.  Give it a smack on the bottom.  Understand I could not do this so cut scissors and cut it off.  Each one.

My hands did not have the strength.

Put the herb in cover a trowel of compost around each plant.  Make sure press around to seal.  Understand that all herbs come with instructions how to plant.

A good water.

Spent an hour or more in the sunshine.  Feel great.  Tired but this is the point.  Simple to do a little exercise.

So to part 2 and onward.

More adventures to follow.



  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Great!! I am just planning my allotment for the year! Im a bit late due to having surgery but really looking forward to getting back out in the garden!
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sam_Scope Thank you for reply.  Hope you are enjoying your day .  Its been a lovely day. You see Physic Spiceman thinking of you and all the forum.  Those that wished to do some thing simple easy to do.

    Understand you got an allotment.

    Mind you take it easy.  Having a operation. The recovery hope I bring some sunshine to you life.  By suggestions and ideas for gardens.

    Done a hour today but took it slowly.

    Rested and respite and put part 2 tomorrow.  On the forum.

    Thank you take care
    The one and only Spiceman
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Victoriad Thank you for advice .  Welcomed very much.

    Hope to add more.

    From a grateful beginner and student.
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  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Think of the money you will save @thespiceman and the sense of achievement  :)
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @susan48 Thank you kind words, that is not the reason for doing the garden.  Never thought of that.  Thank you.

    Doing it because feel could be some where to sit out instead of my bungalow, nice warm days.

    Sitting on a bench looking out over the view from my garden.  Reminiscing and relaxing.  Have a stress free days go into the garden.

    Try and get a bench next thing .  Consider other options.

    Have I inspired you?

    Hope you are OK 

    Take care
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Thank you @thespiceman
    I am definitely taking it easy and getting others to do any heavy jobs.  Last year, we had raised beds put in to make it easier for me, I just can't manage with all the bending over and so it is uch easier now.

    One of my friends @motherscuffer has recently shared some pictures of a pallet herb garden she has made to plant lettuce in which I thought was a really clever idea! 

  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    This is my lovely allotment last year, you can see my chickens in the background too! I am very lucky as the allotment is on the back of our house and so it's right on my doorstep!

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sam_Scope Great ideas great picture.  Thinking now what else I can plant.  My friend @Victoriad suggested  fruit plants in tubs.

    Other options could be salad greens.  As above.  Starting small at the moment.

    Understand and hope to inspire others.

    Yes hope you are taking it easy.  Getting all the help you need.

    Tired to day doing Part 2 but it is worth it.

    Take care
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I think it's best to think about what you eat a lot of! 

    Chillies can be done in pots on the window sill, and tomatoes do well in pots or growbags.  Strawberries do well in hanging baskets too!
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sam_Scope Thank you for ideas and suggestions, yes thinking about trips to these garden centres.

    What else is there to consider to grow, my issues are space.  Salad greens in tubs not really a salad person but have consider that.  What do I like good plan to think what I can also freeze.

    Chilli's a suggestion do eat a lot of chilli so that is an idea considering.  My kitchen small but could use what space I have.  Know front room is warm.

    Tiny small bungalow so space for growing especially tubs an ideas herbs.

    Got lawn but could use edge of to plant herbs and bushes closes to a fence.

    End of the day.  One thing is to have a set limit and then do things well.  My disability understand can do certain things.  Need to have not too much.  So I can not cope.

    Physically and mentally doing me good.  Yet we have days forgetting to water plants or leave them so ideal for me. 

    Herbs are low maintenance as many originate in the warmer climate of the Med.

    Whatever I do I just be appreciated if others on the forum.  Either to be inspired or are gardeners or wanting to have a go.

    Helps mentally understand all that.

    Lovely to speak to you.
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I think that gardening and growing veg is about so much more than the produce, it's an enjoyable hobby that really does help so many people with mental health.

    The first year I had my allotment, I tried to do everything and it became a chore and something that stressed me out if I wasnt well enough to tend to it and so I learnt to plant the things I want and keep in mind that there may be times where Im not able to do it.

    Setting limits for yourself is a healthy thing to do, we understand our own limits and need to make sure that we keep them in mind and don't cause ourselves undue stress!
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  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    I grow my own herbs and veggies, mostly boxes made out of old pallets, or giant plastic tubs for things like potatoes. I have used old ceramic jugs for herbs, taking care to drill holes in the bottom for drainage. Old food tins you can paint with outdoor/ masonry paint with drilled holes in them are ideal for herbs as they are small easy enough to move about.

     I like to recycle as well and a lot of that goes into my garden and ideas. This year I plan on building new planters in different designs.
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I used pallets to create the raised beds in the allotment, Im also a big fan of reusing tyres!
  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    my husband is a mechanic and it is a pet hate of his, he makes me get rid of those BOOOOOOO to the hubby lol I wanted to do a few things from tyres but he draws the line at tyres.
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  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    @Victoriad thats not so good, wonder if there is a silicone based paint you could have used it might have held better to the tyres.
    @thespiceman just out of curiosity do you grow herbs for medicinal purposes, e.g. growing basil for indigestion problems, oregano for help with breathing etc ?