Holiday - I don’t know what to do

susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
edited April 2018 in Coffee lounge
I have been asked if I’d like to go away on holiday for a week, all expenses paid.

The problem is it’s to Spain.
I loved holidays before, sunshine, relaxing and stress free.

Now with my anxiety worse I don’t know if I can. I’m sure I’d be ok whilst I was there but it’s the airport and flight that concern me.

I did mention to my doctor and she said it would be good for me to get away. 

Im just anxious that I say yes then panic etc. I need to decide within the next few weeks.

I know if I talked to doctor she can give me something to help with airport, flight etc.

I have discussed this at length with my friend who knows how me anxiety is and manifests itself.

They said they’d even help me pack.

I just don’t know what to do. I know nobody can tell me what to do but I’m looking for some advice.



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  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    im glad your break with your mum was a start to your recovery.
    thats what the doctor and my friend are trying to do i i think.
    If I’m honest it a lot to do with PIP and paranoia, I think and feel I cannot do anything as I get PIP. I was even paranoid going to buy plants, incase I was caught outside.

    I know this probably sounds strange but I can’t help it. The whole PIP tribunal has had  a massive impact on my MH.

    I think I will make a list of pros and cons, it might help me work out whether to go or not, I really do want to go, it looks lovely and a quiet place. if I start to think then I end up talking myself out of it, what if this happen or that happens etc.

    Thanks for your message though, it’s very kind of you. 
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  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Thank you, I hadn’t thought about it in that way.
    It would be a massive steps for me as it was you.

    And your right about PIP too, it’s just paranoia.

    Im sure getting waited on for a week in the sunshine would help me even start to feel a little better and hopefully put all that PIP stuff into perspective.

    Iv got myself in such a mix up with what exactly PIP stands for, When in reality Iv let it take what little independence away from me instead of giving me more.

    Im so grateful for your words of encouragement and looking at things from a different angle, you’v definitely gave me things to think about.

    I just don’t want to make big decisions, like this , in haste. I know if I didn’t go I would regret it.

    thanks @Victoriad x
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  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    I know just waking up to sunshine and a nice walks eating alfresco.
    sitting with a cold drink watch the world go by.
    thats pretty much what Iv done, hidden away.
    If it is a miracle cure il be soon at letting everyone know, the doctor did say some country does prescribe holidays as they don’t get enough sunlight!!

    off to bed but many thanks again for your wisdom x

  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    @susan48 you remind me of myself! I really would love to see the world but financially I’m unable and health wise I would totally overthink it and talk myself out of it due to anxiety etc. But, sometimes what we think is the hardest thing to do turns out to be the easiest thing to do. I would say yes first of all! Of course aim to go! All the things that make you anxious, write them in a list . Then tackle that list in small steps that you can achieve. For example, if airports make you anxious, visit the airport pre planned. If packing makes you anxious, get someone to do it for you like you said. I’m sure you can break it down more than that but equally sure you can manage to do small steps to overcome them. Tick off your list. Get some meds for travelling. Worst case scenario, you don’t go. But you can survive it, if you try. If you just say no and you really want to go you will kick yourself. Good luck
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Thanks for your message, I have written a list and the pros won.
    I will talk it through again with my friend but right now Iv decided to go.
    Will get meds from doctor for airport and flight and will make list of what I need to do before I go, during and coming back. It does make me anxious the airport and flying because my involuntary body movements start and people stare.
    Im starting to feel a little better, anxiety and depression rollercoaster, seems to have evened out a-bit unless talking about going somewhere or holiday then I lose my speech and start twitching, my curse of anxiety.
    I feel very lucky to have this chance of a free holiday and would be silly to not even try.
    Thanks x
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  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    I’m I’m scared @Victoriad but I’m not going to think about it too much until nearer the time because I will get in a state and talk myself out of it.

    I have a a few week to sort things out but making the decision has helped greatly.

    One step at a time.

    im so greatly for the encouragement and support from you all.