PIP - Osteoarthritis, trapped nerve, chronic pain

annishenry Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited April 2018 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Morning all this is my first time on this site can anyone help me, I have a long term problem with a trapped nerve in my neck since 2012 car accident my neck became worse so I had to stop working. My husband was paying all the bills. Then someone told me about PIP I applied,by now I was using an aid because I took a bad fall on black ice and landed on my Coccyx resulting in trauma to my spine,my mobility deteriorated quickly.  I was interviewed by someone calling himself a nurse, he was putting words in my mouth and changing every thing I had said I was refused Pip. I got no help from citizen advice, I appealed represented myself and won. 
The judge told me give it 3 months and apply for the Enhanced rate that was so nice of her. I filled out a new Claim a silly little girl came to asses me at home resulting in being refused once again. I was too weary to appeal again. My condition has worsened and I now have to deal with sciatica in my lumber which stop's me in my tract, can't sleep, because of Chronic pain 24/7  I have Osteoarthritis in all my joints and my consultant has discharged me saying I just have to learn to live with my condition. I feel so isolated.  
because I have 28 stairs to my front door so I no longer go out. Any suggestions? I'm a driver but no car. I feel if I could get the Enhanced rate I can take back some of my life, go and see my grandchildren, join a group and be amongst the living.
sorry to have gone on so much but I needed to tell someone how I've been feeling
Mrs Annis Henry 


  • atlas46
    atlas46 Online Community Member Posts: 817 Pioneering
    Hi Annis

    A very warm welcome.

    Sadly your story is not unusual, for disabled people going the the process.

    Please do not give up.  Have you tried getting support from local charity, that deals with benefits.

    If I was in your position,  I would apply again, you need the PIP.

    Could I also suggest that you speak to your GP about you attending a Pain Management Programme(PMP), it would assist you.

    Keeps us informed

    Best wishes

  • charlene
    charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Hello Annis, so sorry to hear all that  is happening to you.  If you firmly believe you are entitled to enhanced mobility, then please reconsider your decision.  This group is very supportive and can support you if you reapply for PIP.  CG
  • annishenry
    annishenry Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi  @atlas46
    thank you for your warm welcome and for taking the time to give me some tips
    however I've been down the pain management road for 2ys I even spent 3 week live-in at St Thomas in London which offered breathing exercises to not focus on the pain and some physio exercises that puts me out for 3 days because the nerves are trapped. My GP are playing my condition down so more drugs which isn't helping. Pain clinic was the "Last Chance Saloon" now off you go and learn to live with your condition. I will try PIP again.

    once again thanks for your advice
  • annishenry
    annishenry Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi Charlene
    thank you so much for caring it felt like a big hug telling me " your not alone" Annis.  I have been fighting this battle alone I'm just worn out but I will find that fire in my belly and keep it moving till I get what I need in order to regain parts of my old life which was a wonderful life.
  • feir
    feir Online Community Member Posts: 394 Empowering
    Unfortunately i've found there's not a lot they can do about pain that is caused by the cervical region of your spine, only the bottom half. So you do just have to put up with that and try to find ways to deal with it.
    I guess you could ask for a ramp to be put in so you don't have to struggle with the stairs though?

  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hello @annishenry and a warm welcome to you. Good to meet you.
    As others have said, we see too many posts, really, from people whose benefits are being messed about, and I am deeply sorry that yours is one of those.
    We do have specialist advisors here, so I'm going to tag one/some of them in here to draw attention to your post, just in case there is anything they can suggest.
    Tagging @BenefitsTrainingCo (in hope),
    Warmest best wishes to you,
  • charlene
    charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Hi Annishenry, hope you are having a better day today. Great to see your posts are more positive, and you are taking control of your life.
  • annishenry
    annishenry Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thank you Charlene
    i think it was just the warm greeting I got from you all, and hearing from Like minded people who are in the same boat as myself and reading about other people who were persistent and got their Enharnced rate, which in some way allowed them the funds to enjoy some of the things they use to do. And your kind words of encouragement so thank you will keep you all posted 
  • shirley66
    shirley66 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Hi I’m new to group I went for my pip tribunal today I have osteoarthritis fibromyalgia heart disease diabetes a ptsd anxiety and panic attacks physio won’t touch me I have the chronic pain clinic next month the tribunal gave me five points in total even though I use a walking stick my legs and arms have no strength it’s so unfair when you are genuinely ill you get nothing