Discovering online prescription glasses!

Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
edited May 2018 in Coffee lounge
After a few years using a well known high street opticians one of the biggest frustrations has been cost, especially having to repay when they got broken.

A friend told me how she got hers online, same prescription but cheaper. So recently when arm broke on the glasses I used for working on computers I decided to try one of the cheapest online suppliers. The original intention was to buy the cheapest option. Free anti scratch and glare, for under £10. This changed when I noticed that they had lenses that block blue light and recommended for computer work, tablets etc. An extra £30 but even with delivery costs less then the last set of glasses I bought.

Looking to replace the other set of glasses, varifocal, not anti scratch or anti glare (bad bad choice) but still expensive I opted for one single lens distance glasses, one set of prescription sun glasses, one cheapest set of reading glasses for my wife and opted for the dearest delivery, next day guaranteed delivery once the order was completed. Still less than the varifocal pair, not including the original order. Ordered Monday and delivered today!

With my normal distance glasses and the wife's reading glasses as I went with the basic cheapest option there was no additional cost for applying the prescription, for the other two I had to pay an extra £10.

The computer glasses I have been absolutely delighted with. One reason for choosing the blue light blocker lenses was I regularly get  headaches, spending a lot of time in front of computers but I have not had one since. I am hoping the sunglasses will do the same for me when out in the sun.

For me glasses are a tool, like a pen or keyboard. I don't care what they look like as long as they are comfortable use and work. If you are more fashion concious designer frames are available, but again cheaper.


I used the information on the variform glasses for the arm length when buying the first set. The new distance glances I went for a slightly longer arm which seems to fit better - perhaps one reason why I always have problems keeping them safe.

The biggest downside for me is four set of glasses all with the same design and colour case, I can see some confusion arising so today will get some stickers to distinguish them easily.

Of course I will still be  using the high street optician regularly to get my eyes tested and the new prescription, I just won't be buying new glasses from them again :smiley:


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Geoark How are you? thanks for this. First I have heard of this. Great.  Last time ordered one pair of glasses. Nearly £70 even with NHS voucher.

    Thought get another half price. Thought how much more.

    Doing more on line lately.

    Take care

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Geoark Meant to say bought them from High street Opticians. Looks like cheaper and the results better on line.

    Thanks very much for information

  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Hi @thespiceman I'm doing better the last couple of weeks. Hope you are doing well?

    I tend to be cautious online with some things. The company I used as well as being cheap have a UK store where you can get your eyes tested etc, so I felt a bit more confident using them. Plus I had the money spare to go for the blue light blocker lens, and if I wasn't happy with them I could afford to lose the money. 

    I am delighted with what I have, but have deliberately not named the company, and with so many people struggling financially I thought it was worth mentioning.