citizen advice - housing

hass Online Community Member Posts: 198 Empowering
Hi all
Hope your all well .
I have been a tenant for a well known HA since 2006.
I have been treated  with other contempt,  have  had  dis respectable comments made about my disabilities both physical and mental., been living in a degrading  environment with no redress treated as sun human compared to other  tenants.

No legal person will take my case on . 
No private LL will take me on because of my disabilities and race and gender im   single female


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @hass and a warm welcome to the community!
    I am sorry to hear that you have not had a pleasant experience. What support or advice were you hoping to get from the community today?
  • hass
    hass Online Community Member Posts: 198 Empowering
    Hi no people just don't want to help 
    There us discrimination in legal aid 
    As mentioned  earlier  I have 2 protected characteristics 
    Race and disability  I don't have capacity  I'm fighting  a cancer
    It's about getting the right support and being heard
    Thank you
  • hass
    hass Online Community Member Posts: 198 Empowering
    I've approached many they don't get back to you at all
  • hass
    hass Online Community Member Posts: 198 Empowering
    With respect   I've already  highted in my initial post . In so far as  advice agencies   being always heard that  retaric  under staffed under resourced rec 
    It's about getting  the right people 
    Who are efficient  and  want to see justice
    The law can't be same for everyone if the outcome depends on  WHO YOU ARE

  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Who's out there to deal with discrimination.
    The council caurse it. The police refuse to deal with HATE crime/discrimination.
    There should be solicitors who deal with these problems and not charge the earth but there isnt any legal help unless you have money to chuck at it. Most of us DON'T have excess funds to protect ourselves from disablitliy hate crime
  • hass
    hass Online Community Member Posts: 198 Empowering
    Misscleo  thank you exactly 
    Discrimination is tied in with a range of factors 
    You can see what happened with gwenfell  tower   etc
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Really! how odd lets have names and phone numbers of solicitors who deal with this area of law.
    Bet you don't surply ANY..
    I worked for a solicitor he couldn't find one.
    Your post took up time and aceived NOTHING
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    I may end up getting a rude reply to this but here goes.....

    @hass the amount of help anyone gets will depend on how they approach any particular issue. Your post, as has been said, isn't very clear on what you want help with the most. If it is just a rant then that's fine but if so do not expect reasonable replies unless you indicate that it IS a rant.

    Discrimination is rife in current society but I do not mean race as such, which is a long well known issue and better treated than other types of discrimination. People get discriminated on all sorts of things, age being well up on the list when it comes to work, for example.

    Generally there is a lack of support from the health system except for cancer which has been placed ahead of most things and, in my opinion, is given unfair additional treatment ahead of those that also need help. An example of this is that if anyone goes to A&E and then has to get home only cancer patients are entitled to use hospital transport, everyone else is stuck in a taxi. Positive discrimination for cancer is still discrimination against everyone else unable to walk (and that's a lot of others).

    Your initial post sounded like a rant and, as such, I would not have replied but your replies to those trying to help was uncalled for. If you ask people for help in such an antagonistic manner and EXPECT special treatment for any reason then you are out of order and will certainly be ignored by the very people you need the help from. It certainly sounds like you expect such special treatment.

    Maybe your situation justifies such help but there are ways and means of getting help and being antagonistic does you no good at all. People just tend to ignore such actions. Sure, we all get frustrated and need to let off steam but try to at least be sensitive to those responding to you, after all they are trying to help in some way.

    I have never tried to contact councillors but have tried contacting my MP and would agree that they are usually of little help but then I have also heard stories where they did help. It comes down to the particular MP. As for using a solicitor.... they are only interested in money and taking cases that they will win. I too have been unable to get any I have contacted, after periods of really bad treatment or lack thereof, to help. Most likely they saw a case that was problematic and likely to take a long time with no guarantee of success. Very hurtful of them especially when they can't even bother to reply or only be succinct and disrespectful. Resorting to a solicitor though is really only a last resort and only really to get compensation for something completed, it will not help you get treated better in future. In fact, it is likely to get you less help in future. I found this out when I was forced to go to tribunal after losing a job. I mentioned it to someone offering me another post and the offer was immediately withdrawn. It seems that if we resort to legal options to resolve problems we are seen as troublemakers and, as such, are not desirable.

    I think you will find that your situation "single female" is more likely to be helped than many of us so please do not disrespect those trying to help when, most likely, they have been treated worse than you. As for race (you do not state which) then, as I said, there are well known ways to redress this again something most of us have no access to as other discrimination issues are not even acknowledged.
