Constant ESA assessments

johnanfield Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
age 64years of  suffer with severe anxiety& depression arthritis high blood pressure. high cholesterol gastro reflux.on life long medication.been on ESA support group since 2008 was getting sent for reassessments every 3 years but since 2017 been getting reassessed less than 12 months .just been reassessed in may 2018 and been told I will be reassessed again in 6months is making my life hell


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @johnanfield and a warm welcome to the community. I am sorry to hear that ESA assessments are taking their toll, as well as making it more stressful for yourself. The community is a supportive environment so please do have a look around and get involved with discussions :)
  • Ripples
    Ripples Online Community Member Posts: 188 Empowering
    @johnanfield ESA  review dates are commonly anything from six to thirty six months.  In practice they can call you in for a review anytime. I am wondering if you are due to retire within the next twelve months?
  • johnanfield
    johnanfield Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    no not for an other 2 years.why has it gone from 3or 4 years to such a short time span. we were told no more repeat reassessments.
  • Ripples
    Ripples Online Community Member Posts: 188 Empowering
    edited July 2018
    @johnanfield You are right some conditions are being specified as no repeat assessments if you are in the support group.such as MS, Huntingdon's disease et al. if this applies to you they will let you know after an assessment.  Did you get your  reports from the assessments  in particular the LT54 and ESA58 which would indicate their recommendation?
  • johnanfield
    johnanfield Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    no I never got it   now I know I should have asked for it
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    After your May 2018 assessment there should be something in the report indicating whether you should be assessed again or not. Unfortunately, it sounds as if in your case the decision was that you should be assessed again.

    The guidance on 'turning off' reassessments doesn't cover nearly as many people as it should (arguably) and it is worth complaining to your MP about the stress this is all causing you. We need to get enough MPs concerned about the constant assessing of disabled people so we can get this guidance improved and actually turn off assessments for anyone who is unlikely to improve.

  • johnanfield
    johnanfield Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    yes I agree what I have seen these so called reassessments are just a front  for bullying intimidation harassment I was not so much questioned but interrogated . left me in a state of shock .I have managed to get my MP involved  
  • amanda8289
    amanda8289 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    I  know  only too well  what  the  esa  assessment  reviews  if  it's not them  it's the  pip.  I  have  just  received the esa50  form  after  being  in the support group for  9 yrs awarded enhanced pip last year  and  now  esa50 form  I thought I'd be left  in  peace for a while  but no.  I'm  currently awaiting the biopsy results of skin cancer  as well.  You couldn't  make it up if you tried 
  • johnanfield
    johnanfield Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    not a  thing is beyond this repulsive government
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Let’s blame the government. My friend gets ESA and she had a capability to work questionnaire to fill out and send back. I hate those forms. Just one more piece of paperwork to complete and send back. Again this is about what my son is not capable of doing independently. 

    Not to mention I’m currently trying to schedule Oliver’s first ever urodynamics test and dealing with the multiple specialists and appointments too. That could be why I am stressed out at the moment. Being a mom of a child with Spina Bifida is not always easy on my soul or mental health. Some of the questions are beyond ridiculous and the forms irritate me so much. 
  • johnanfield
    johnanfield Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    this government is just trying to make your life harder
  • amanda8289
    amanda8289 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    It's no  wonder  people  get  further  depressed  anxious  etc having to  constantly  prove  we have lono term illnesses 
  • johnanfield
    johnanfield Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Amanda   its no wonder people kill themselves.
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Teresa may is making disabled people's lives as miserable as hell .From every direction!!..constant reassesnents ;universal credit eve etc blooming etc .I dread whats next u really do .all these stories break my heart. It's disquesting !
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
  • johnanfield
    johnanfield Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    may once said tories have to lose the nasty party tag under her leadership the nasty party just got a whole lot  nastier .
  • Pinkbaby73
    Pinkbaby73 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    I have just been called in again for assessment, last was 9 months ago? I am beginning to feel like it’s a bit of a witch hunt to be honest? Last time I attended I provided letters from my consultant and doctors both stating that my condition was severe and that treatment would only stabilise not cure me? I am getting self all worked up again which in turn is making me more ill? I am trying to follow all my doctors advice, lose weight, more walking etc etc and feel like I am banging my head against the wall!
  • Ripples
    Ripples Online Community Member Posts: 188 Empowering
    @Pinkbaby73 I know the assessments are stressful and I wish you luck. The frequency of review is often tied in to the recommended review date although they can call you anytime. It isn't uncommon to receive a form or be called in before your minimum term has been reached but again it  can depend on other variables such as what their workload is and waiting times.
  • Pinkbaby73
    Pinkbaby73 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    @Ripples, I think I am just having a bad time at the minute to be honest and this is just adding to it?