Who gets the best songs in kid films, the good guys or the bad guys?

Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
From a recent discussion with friends - while the good guys undoubtedly get the popular songs in kid films the bad guy usually get the better songs. Do you agree?

Who gets the best songs in kid films, the good guys or the bad guys? 2 votes

Good Guys
chrisvanf 1 vote
Bad Guys
fishingmum 1 vote


  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    Bad Guys
    just going on wwe, for example they get the good rock music but the more sing a long pop style goes to the good guys.
  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Hi @fishingmum

    Sorry for the late reply, I think you have probably hit the nail on the head. The main exception I can think of is Fern Gully with Batty Rap (good guy) and Toxic Love (bad guy)