Mental health issues

carol56 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @carol56, do let us know if there's anything we can assist you with!
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Hi @carol56

    Welcome to the community.  Any questions or help you may need just ask 
  • thgun
    thgun Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    Hi I have Dysthymya a type of depressive condition.  I was diagnosed in 2010, symptoms first appeared in 1996. My codition is ongoing but I don't go through months of any one symptom, I rapid cycle. My symptoms are or sufferdare  as follows: Depressive episodes, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Stress, Euphoria/Mania, Hearing Voices, Paranoia, Suicidal tendances,  history of self harm a history of Psychosis/Psychotic episodes and a history.of visual disturbances. This all happens over periods of 48 to 72 hours and varies all the time.  I have support from my Psychistrist and GP but since 2010 due to government reforms Iost my support worker and I was not entitle to a CPN. Until 2006 I had care support from both my parents. Since 2015 this has all changed. My dad passed away in 2014 and I can't grieve and have had no support. My mum isbnow unablevto care fore me. I lost My DLA. I was made redundant from my Part time  job and what benefit's I now get is ESA and PIP only low rate mobility. And I have to go through an assessment every time to only get reffused the care componet and mobility each time.  So each time it has to be appealed just to get the award. I struggle these assessnentscas I hve no proffessional support to help me. AndcI wish they would just say you dont have to have an assessment and we will continue to pay you the low rate mobility as your circumstances hsve not changed. But they don't I have to go through an assessment I'm going to fail and then the appleal process. I'm expecting one in the next couple if months as I have just had to make a new claim. 
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    I know its horrible.You should keep trying to access support with your claim. There may be other organisations in your area who can help.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @thgun   Pleased to meet you . Sorry what has happened. I was reading your post and asking how can I be supportive.

    I know from reading you have no support. Have you been on line. I know it is a suggestion.  There are many mental health charities. You can self refer.    

    I have mental health issues .  Understand the difficulties of finding the right support.

    Know Council services, CPN are over burdened underfunded and use Mental Health charities.

    Have you looked at speaking to your GP for anything else. Further information.  Is there a association or society for your mental health condition.

    Have you spoken to MIND.  See there website and see what they can offer.  Even CAB for advice on benefits and information. Form filling in.  

    Everything is confusing, complex and difficult not easy.  For you to deal with. I understand that and wish I could help more. Concerned for your well being. Have you any body to talk to.  Samaritans does help.  Have and hope we can help. Ready to listen anytime.

    I have myself use this forum to cope and get a lot of support.  From our community.

    I have been there with assessments  and do understand many of our members have been the same as you. 

    I hope and pray you find the courage to try to find some support.  All I can do is be here anytime and need or want to ask anything. Some one will know.

    Take care
