Far too much time and so little to do

Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
As I spend all my time now in front of a TV and even skip food most of the time I find so many things about TV insulting. It doesn't help at all being above average intelligence.

An advert that says "When you have an accident you start worrying about how you will cope".

Insulting in the extreme. I have had far too many accidents one or two rather nasty. The statement is completely untrue. Firstly your short term memory is likely to go missing in a bad one and you will only remember scraps. Your first thoughts will be about "Am I safe now?" and acting on it if not. Then you will collapse when the adrenalin and endorphins shut off (shock). Then you will think about getting help to continue to be safe and the thoughts implied by the AD won't kick in until you are in hospital, safe and out of pain and not before.

"Scott and Bailey"

Do they really expect me to believe that two intelligent and clever detectives could be as stupid in their private lives as they are made out to be? Added to that the brunette acts far too much like the "blonde" jokes to be funny at all.

"Murder on the Orient Express"

An interesting remake of the original (which I still prefer) but somehow Poirot chasing a villain just seems a little off.


Very good but getting a little stale in season 5 by implying that Vessen are to blame for almost everything bad in history (albeit an interesting idea to discuss).


Will always be a good competitor to Stargate for my all-time favourite series.

In general I am getting more than a little fed up with the sheer overload of films and series in which teenagers are the saviours of mankind. While I am sure that this appeals to most teenagers sense of arrogance (few are not arrogant now it seems) it is getting more than a little silly for mature audiences. I wish they would remember that in general people are mature for many more years of their lives than they are teenagers (around 10:1).



  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    What's your favourite thing to watch @Topkitten?
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Have you tried volunteering or local community groups?
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    I have volunteered in the past @debbiedo49 but am in too much pain now to be on my feet for any length of time and, as of 4 months ago, am now officially housebound.

    @Chloe_Scope, I don't really follow things properly any more. I have always enjoyed a good film (action, sci-fi and something than makes me have to think) but now find it hard to watch TV and concentrate on it difficult. Mostly it is on now for background sound. I do follow F1 and the NFL but even those take days to clear instead of the hours it used to.

    I have watched a large number of the American cop's 'n' robbers series and now just watch or listen to ones I have usually seen. Series like NCIS, Law and Order, Criminal Minds & CSI. Others like Castle, Grimm and some on the Sci-Fi channel are also quite good. Obviously I have too much time and little to do, lol!

    The most thought provoking film I have watched is called Identity. Trying to work out who the killer is right to the end and still getting it totally wrong!

  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering
    Can you recommend some films" I enjoyed Madam Secretary, for one, Scott and Bailey, The Paradise, others like it. Don't know if you get these or not, but I would be interested to hear what you have enjoyed.

    I am alarmed at the amount of violence in so many films. Television and the media in general are, I think, causing a great deal of the violence in the world today. The "me, too, copy-cat" reaction, especially by younger persons who grow up exposed to much of this.
  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering
    I also know about too much time and so little to do. I am largely trapped in my apartment, unable to get anywhere else because I cannot drive and there is no public transportation. I do have a daily trip with an aide and her company for a few hours. I am so happy to be with someone every day, if only for an hour.

    This forum puts me in touch with other people more than anything else.
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    For films with little or no violence I would suggest "Sully" (Plane crash on the Hudson) and any of the 3 versions of Murder on the Orient Express (despite the title name). If cartoon style violence is ok then any of the DC or Marvel films are good and I particularly enjoyed Doctor Strange. Something a bit on the violent side but still exceptional was "The Great Wall" (Great Wall of China) in which the violence is against mythical beasts and blood level is fairly low. Obviously any Star Wars film or anything involving Hobbits are always fun. :smile:

    These aren't the latest films as I can't get to the cinema but always good to watch.
  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering
    Thank you, @Topkitten. I can't get to the cinema (it is almost obsolete now, with so many films available on the Internet. Do you get Netflix?
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @cracker Hope you are doing OK. One of the things I have done recently regarding films.

    That have little violence or non at all is to watch a TCM or Turner Classic Movie. We have talking Pictures over here.

    I believe you live in Vermont from what I have read.

    I rarely watch modern moves or films as they are. Because too violent, editing all over the place, sound and dialogue cannot hear.

    So watch used a TCM on a channel I had . Ted Turner who married Jane Fonda bought a loads of the classics from the forties and fifties.

    Set up TCM over here it was on regularly now nothing except a company called Talking Pictures.  Paramount, Film Four the odd gem.  B.B.C now and again.

    I am a Christian but do not understand the modern film. Too much blood and gore and now consider myself quite knowledgeable of the old films.

    Like film noir and those were the stars in those days and the plots, films all ran in a time to a limit.

    Watched with a friend recently some three hour epic but clueless about it all. . On this DVD  format this is happening more and more.

    That is a solution most films of the forties and fifties now on DVD.  If you can find them.  

    Anyway hope that helps.

    Take care


  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering
    Thank you, @the spiceman. I will try to get Turner, but have not seen it listed on my film providers .

    I prefer the old films, too. Katherine Hepburn is a favourite of mine, the films of the 40''s and 50's are wonderful, when the actors really acted instead of special effects and violence took over. 

    I can get some BBC films, which are preferable to most of the American ones. And I love British mysteries, too.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @cracker Thanks for reply. I first got into the old films because of my love of collecting and met many wonderful people.

    Set up a business in the early nineties dealing Antiques and collectables.

    Met in my time certain films especially in America I did not know this have there own society paying homage to the film in question. Plus all the collectables around it.

    Have branches over here. Like Gone With The Wind.  Casablanca, Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins.  Sons of The Desert who collected and had interested in Laurel and Hardy films and associated items.  

    Used to run into a guy from New York State who was in London buying a lots of Disney items .

    You have believe this never knew this Mary Poppins when it first came out lots of collectables all round the film.

    This guy had like photos and showed me his collection . Always remember him and his family. Told me come over to England every few months.  To Bonham's, Christies buying items.

    In those heady days of the eighties collecting was really related to films was just sort of becoming blossoming.  There has always been collectors of films.

    Talking of old films of course the stars many decided to turn back to their first love for many . The Theatre so came over here to do plays and drama.  In  the West End

    Seen Charlton Heston in a Man for All Seasons..  Dustin Hoffman in Merchant of Venice .  All gifted actors and shown their true genius for the stage.

    I read some where Katherine Hepburn did a stint of plays and drama.   

    Also  Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward had a Theatre to do some plays.  Would have loved to seen that.

    Final point is in the early and middle fifties there were a number of studios who created mystery films and had plots and well very much at the end twisted into a on the edge seat thriller. I like those very much.

    Often on Talking Pictures.

    Usually had stars of the day.   Some of them went on to Hollywood. Other stayed here and created a niche for themselves.

    All I can say is love to talk to you.  Do not get the chance to talk about this. As I am considered old fashioned.

    Pleasure to have met you.

    Take care

  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    I don't have netflix but do have Sky movies on a special deal for a few months. When it runs out I will consider it.

    Over here we have a Talking Pictures channel which broadcasts almost exclusively old British films. The older 30's, 40's and 50's films are fine but all 60's films seem to be about one pop group of another and 70's British films are pretty awful, lol!

  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    I watched a very good film today but if you are a person that cry's over some films then I would suggest having a bucket-load of tissues handy. It certainly had me crying more than any film ever! It's called "2:22" which is an odd name and I won't give it away except to say that the write up it gave as a description is nothing like what it's really about. It was made in 2017 and, like most recent films, has no one I have ever heard of in the actor list. A good watch but beware the ending, really tugs at the heart strings.

  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    @Topkitten just been watching channel 4 old people's home for 4 year old series 2. Highlighting the benefits of the very young and older people spending time together and enjoying life.
  • JulesA65
    JulesA65 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    Just wondering if you've thought about online gaming? I play Lord of the rings online. its a fantasy role playing game but you chat to other people while playing and you join a community

    TV can be brain numbing i have to admit
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    I have played online games for many years and even have a dual screen desktop setup. However, I cannot really sit upright for long any more so it is mostly unused now. I did start using a laptop to play games on but even that has become difficult for me to handle the weight to move about and sitting position I need to be in to use it so that was a waste on money. Now I just use a really light chromebook which isn't fast enough to handle games but does let me go online but even that causes problems so I use it sparingly. I also play games on a tablet and have a smaller one for reading ebooks but most tablet/phone games are meant for short play multiple times per day rather than any long playing time. I do have 3 or 4 games I play this way but almost all rpg type games that are tablet or phone capable re;y on being in guilds or other groups and when I cannot play for a few days due to illness I find I have been kicked out and/or completely destroyed requiring a long rebuild before continuing.

    Until I can find some combination of medication and movement that makes life easier I will have little I can do except watch TV. Doctors are useless in solving this as all they have done is increased my tablet medication from 10 a day to 26 because they really don't understand the problems I face. I also believe that, due to my skin being different from most people, by extracting all the medication from the patches in one day I go from a massive overdose for one day and crash into withdrawal the next two. Looking at the possible side effects of that particular medication it seems likely it is causing most of my problems with coping (apart from not yet being in wheelchair accessible accommodation). Until I can get a single doctor educated and working with me for a month or so I think things will continue as my best efforts are being compromised by the side effects. However, the surgery seems to give me a different doctor to visit me or talk on the phone every time I ask for help. I am at a loss to explain why the surgery procedures are so pathetically inadequate. Some woman, for example, called me from the surgery in response to yet another complaint to NHS England and stated I got a lot of help from 111. What I actually got every time was a discussion which resulted in a 111 report to the surgery stating I desperately needed home visits to resolve the issues. It was very obvious that they simply filed the reports away without actually reading the content, something they have always done and I have complained about in the past.
