Ask your questions about Cerebral Palsy and ageing: Q&A with Dr Shah



  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,700 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Hi @DrShah
    Are there any specific social barriers that are faced by women and girls with Cerebral Palsy, and how are these barriers to be overcome?
  • Chloe_Tear
    Chloe_Tear Online Community Member Posts: 15 Contributor
    Thank you for your answers @DrShah! I found them all really interesting :)
  • DrShah
    DrShah Online Community Member Posts: 15 Contributor
     women with CP are likely to be at higher risk of developing certain chronic secondary conditions due to physical and structural barriers to healthcare facilities and medical equipment such as breast scanners. Another factor often cited as a barrier to healthcare for women with CP is the pervasive misconceptions that disabled women are asexual beings and unable to pursue successful reproductive journeys (Dotson et al, 2003; Hayward et al, 2017). Disabled women have been actively discouraged and sometimes physically prevented from exercising their reproductive capacities and becoming parents (Smith et al, 2004; Thomas, 1997, WHO, 2016). This has created a culture of healthcare and maternity services where organisational, physical and attitudinal barriers may impact negatively on disabled women’s maternal and reproductive health.
    Mammograms are also problematic for women with cp. More work needs to done in collaboration with practitioners to inform new accessible and inclusive practice. Iit also helps when disabled people know their legal rights so they can fight back constructively. All on the web - UNCRPD, Equality Act etc