How can I get a new wheelchair?

gabidoru Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
Hello , my name is Gabriel , I live in Leicester, I'm 22 years old,i'm a disable in a wheelchair for 2 years and the wheelchair hwo I have it now it's broken , how can get a new wheelchair ? If somebody can help me with a information please call me at this number [removed by moderator] or to give me a answer , Thank you verry much !


  • markyboy
    markyboy Online Community Member Posts: 367 Empowering
    You need to contact the occupational therapist to refer you for an assessment to the wheelchair services in your area
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Hi @gabidoru

    If the broken wheelchair was  supplied to you from the NHS wheelchair service you should contact them ask ask for a repair or replacement. The telephone number should be on the paperwork supplied at the time but if your can't find it then the contact details are probably listed here: although the directory is a little out of date.

    If you got the broken wheelchair from somewhere else you will need a referral to the wheelchair clinic from a health professional, normally your GP but if you already see a NHS Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist or Hospital Consultant they may be willing to do a referral for you.

    Additional information about getting a wheelchair is avail on the NHS website:

    Best Wishes

  • gabidoru
    gabidoru Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    edited October 2018
    multumesc  foarte mult pentru informatie,...da scaunul este  primit  de la niste prieteni  ,acum doi ani cand am avut accidentul in Romania , dar eu lucram in anglia de trei ani si in 2016 pe 4 decembrie cand mergeam de sarbatori acasa am facut accident de masina in ROMANIA si in februarie cand ne-am intors in  anglia ,medicul meu de familie a zis ca nu are rost sa incerc sa fac terapie vazandu_mi diagnosticul dat de medicii romani,asa ca  de la stadiul de intors pe o parte si pe  alta cu cearceaful din 4 in 4 ore  de catre familia mea acum  ,dupa aproape     2 ani ,pot sa ma ridic singur din pat si sa imi fac trasferul in carut ,,sa ma imbrac singur , sa imi fac ceva de mancare .nu am fost ajutat de   medicul de familie sa imi  faca vreo programare   la terapie undeva desii familia mea  mereu ii spunea ,....intr-un final anul trecut in decembrie am avut programare la neurolog si tot aceeasi decizie  a fost ca nu trebuie sa fac terapie ca nu are rost , continuat  sa fac exercitii  ajutat de familie ,am 4 frati ,si toti au  fost langa mine . Dupa accidentul de masina   am avut 2 inele  de la coloana rupte si maduva sectionata, si desii am  trimis diagnosticul meu la  mai multe spitale  si din alte tari ,raspunsul a fost ca nu trebuie sa fac terapie deoarece   avand maduva sectionata   nu o sa mai pot  sa ma recuperez ,...dar bunul dumnezeu si perseverenta  au facut posibil sa pot sa ma ridic singur  din pat si sa imi fac transferul in carut fara ajutor....... de jumate un    an primesc  si  PIP, si acum merg eu personal la doctor si cer  sa imi faca   programare la terapie  , da am probleme cu carutul ,si nu gasesc piese la el , stiu cui sa ma adresez sa pot obtine un carut ,nu stiu cui sa ma adresez sa imi obtin si alte drepturi si in special acela de-a face terapie ,...daca este cineva sa ma ajute cu informatii, i-as ramane dator cu multumiri,.... Dupa accident ,familia mea ,mama si cei 4 frati  au venit in Aglia  sa locuiasca cu tata si cu mine ,noi  muncind  de 3 ani  pana sa fac accidentul , 22  de ani si locuiesc in leicester ,unul din frati munceste si 3 merg la scoala , tata munceste  ,iar mama are grija de mine si fratii mei....daca poate cineva sa ma ajute cu mai multe informatii  si in special cui sa ma adresez in afara de medicul de famile sa fac  terapie  ....multumes mult.
  • gabidoru
    gabidoru Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    mi_as dori  ca cineva sa ma informeze    si sa ma indrume si sa pot sa tin legatura cu persoane cu dizabilitati ca mine ,...multumesc
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Hi @gabidoru

    I have used Google to  translate your posts above from Romanian, I don't think the translation is exact but I hope it is good enough to get a flavour for what you have written:

    " Thank you very much for the information,... give the chair is received from some friends, two years ago when I had the accident in Romania, but I worked in England for three years and in 2016 on December 4 when I was going home holidays I crashed the car in Romania And in February when we returned to England, my family doctor said there's no point in trying to vazandu_mi therapy. With the diagnosis given by the Romanian doctors, so from the stage of being back on one side and another with the sheet of 4 in 4 hours by my family now  , after almost two years, I can get myself out of bed and make my transfer to the wagon, dress myself, make something to eat. I was not helped by my family doctor to make me an appointment in therapy somewhere though my family always told him ,.... finally last year in December I had an appointment with the neurologist and all the same decision was that I do not have to do therapy that is pointless,... I continued to exercise "
    "Mi_as want someone to inform me and guide me and I can keep in touch with people with disabilities like me,... thank you "

    Thank you for giving some additional information about your situation. I am sorry to hear that  it seems the professionals involved in your care don't think that further rehabilitation/therapy is clinically appropriate.

    So in reference to your initial question about how to replace your broken wheelchair I can only reiterate what I said above. Assuming that you meet the criteria to be seen at the NHS Wheelchair Clinic your GP can refer you there.

    Alternatively you may need to buy a wheelchair privately, in which case you may find this information of interest:

    With regards to your statement that you would like someone to guide you, presumably through the mass of things that people need to know when they have a newly acquired disability you might find this helpful:

    You can also contact the Scope Helpline: 0808 800 3333.

    I'm not clear if you have a spinal injury but if so the Spinal Injuries Association might be of interest:

    And of course posting in this on-line community can be a really good way to network with others, although you will probably get more responses it you translate your posts into English.

    Best Wishes
