Pip and universal credit

anneliese Community member Posts: 14 Listener
edited November 2018 in Universal Credit (UC)
hi I'm just wondering if have been awarded high rate pip and low rate mobility, will I automically receive high rate sick on universal credit I'm dreading another face to face assessment and I'm hoping I will just pass with out one.... and how long is the time from sending uc50 form in until I hear back from them with a decision 


  • DavidJohn1984
    DavidJohn1984 Community member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Hi @anneliese, congrats on the PIP award. My Mom has enhanced rate on both parts of PIP but still has to go for two yearlt reviews for ESA. The paperwork you can send in a copy and see how you get on it may help with UC. Good luck. David
  • anneliese
    anneliese Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Thank you for reply it's changing over to universal credit that's got me I failed a medical in April went to mandatory and they failed me on them not reciveing the paperwork the job centre sent to wrong place and I can't fight for tribunal I've had enough so I've filled uc50 form in on universal credit and I'm just so confused on it all
  • lizzieloz30
    lizzieloz30 Community member Posts: 57 Contributor
    I scored enough points on my pip assessment on the assessors report so now just waiting DWP final decision. 

    Im on Universal Credit & sent off my UC50 last month, they have now written off to my doctors & then will decide if I need a f2f. 

    Being on Pip doesn't entitle you to sick on Universal Credit. They are entirely different. Getting one does not mean you will get the other. As stupid as that is. 
  • anneliese
    anneliese Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    I know I'm been told different things that if I'm on high rate pip I stand a good chance of high rate universal credit I just wish it was done with I'm sick to death of waiting for decisions... I'm on treatment plan for my mental health and it's not helping at all 
  • DavidJohn1984
    DavidJohn1984 Community member Posts: 99 Contributor
    @anneliese one thing I approve of with the assessors for UC is that they actually ask for information from your Doctors. I know PIP never did this and I had to provide everything myself. The actual assessment for UV my assessor was really nice. The only downside I found was being sat in a room with a bunch of people who you know will look at you thinking there is nothing wrong with you. DJ 
  • lizzieloz30
    lizzieloz30 Community member Posts: 57 Contributor
    edited November 2018
    I'm claiming sick for my mental health also & I know what you mean, decision waiting sends a persons anxiety through the roof. One f2f was bad enough for PIP so I'm like you, hoping I don't have to have another one for UC50, but as I've learnt on here in most cases you have to go for f2f. 
  • anneliese
    anneliese Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    I sent a letter along with a lot of other medical evidence and the doctor clearly states that I am no position to be working ATM I hope this helps with my claim I've been fighting them since April 
  • anneliese
    anneliese Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Yeah I no that feeling well people don't realise how bad my mental health is to look at me you wouldn't think there was anything wrong at all I even failed one face to face for having an out door complection which indicated I do go out side my surname is rollo.!! Not that English is it o can't help being dark skinned and failed due to the face to face assessment 
  • DavidJohn1984
    DavidJohn1984 Community member Posts: 99 Contributor
    @anneliese, I failed my PIP assessment due to my sexuality so i know how it feels to be discriminated against for something that shouldn’t even come into a decision. 
  • abrami
    abrami Community member Posts: 12 Listener
    bit confused how can you fail pip on grounds of sexuality. Pip is how your conditions affect your everyday life how does your sexuality even come into play?
  • DavidJohn1984
    DavidJohn1984 Community member Posts: 99 Contributor
    @abrami the assessor clearly took offence to my sexuality and then missrepresent/lied in my assessment report. 
  • abrami
    abrami Community member Posts: 12 Listener
    Hope you complained strongly to them .
  • DavidJohn1984
    DavidJohn1984 Community member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Yes Amrami like others I tried to complain but I was past from Capita to DWP both saying it was the others responsibility to handle complaints. Then I got in touch with a charity who said it was down to Capita and so helped me prepare a complaint. I’m due to hear the results by the 28th of this month.
  • abrami
    abrami Community member Posts: 12 Listener
    Keep my fingers crossed for you .
  • DavidJohn1984
    DavidJohn1984 Community member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Thank you Abrami
  • o5jessica
    o5jessica Community member Posts: 42 Connected
    David that spsoun like me, I block to my dla, it was my former social worker whom before she left her job, , was to sit in on pip ftf medical .till capita never again offer pm visit again cause disability discrimination .I'm bedbound no careers yet 9.15sn back on 25.10.2018.
    I shocked to gunf out 
    Capita only it's employee 
    Put on cumpter system to dwp 
     I failed to attend.

    This not  true
    .I then had letter cumpter made descion to stop my dla, 
    I had already send my ferind posted in time all additional information medical evidence, 
     Too record post.
    Which both dwp capita failed to 
    Response to

    Again complaint two weeks ago to review that descion. 
    I had no dla, last week still can't afford loss it
    Now new social worker Fri failed to help me to chase this up.
    I'm no support 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 273 Empowering
    Hi @05jessica

    It sounds like you need some local specialist advice, and that needs to be someone who can visit you at home. 

    You could ask the social services department if they can put you in touch with someone who can  help you.

    I hope this works for you.
