Has anyone set up a home care facility for adult child with severe and complex learning difficulties

Grahamb Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
Has anyone set up their own home care facility for their adult child with severe and complex learning difficulties? Our proposal is to possibly leave our daughter in our current home and for the coucil or a charity to use the home for the care of our daughter and maybe another person with severe complex needs and also supply full-time care for her/them. We (the parents) would move out but be close enough to remain part of her life for as long as we or she lives. Thanks.


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @Grahamb, thanks for sharing this with us. It certainly sounds like a worthwhile proposal!

    Whilst this isn't something we're best placed to advise you on ourselves, I hope we can help you get started. I would encourage you to write to your MP about your proposal, and maybe have a look to see if there are any local grants or organisations who may be able to support you.

    Please do keep us updated and let us know how it goes!
  • Grahamb
    Grahamb Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Will keep you updated when something has been sorted. Had good responses from other organisations. It'll take time.
  • Grahamb
    Grahamb Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Nothing changed as yet. Still our preferred solution. Had meetings with various officials from council discussing our daughters immediate care and possible night care for which funding has been approved for 4 nights per week. We have to do interviews etc but will take time if their are any responses to advert!! In meantime what respite we had (2 x 2 hour sessions per week) has now ceased as care provider has closed the business suddenly for family reasons. It's down to us to sort something although we have council budget for it. Could be without respite for a while. We wait and see how the situation progresses.