I want to like move

SandieO Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Hello My name is Sandra and i live in a bedsit commonly known as a Studio flat 
its too small and i have had my car vandalised three times in the last year the person upstairs plays video games until the early hours of the morning most nights and its like living in a cinema i cannot approach them becasue they are aggressive and it scares me i want to move but i am financially strapped do not know a way out of this 


  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @SandieO

    Good morning and welcome. 

    I am very very sorry to hear about your current situation. 

    Are you privately renting the property or have do you have a mortgage or is it a council property????? 

    Sorry for the questions but I am just trying to get the full picture so that I can offer you my help + support. 

    Please please let me know how you feel????? 

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @SandieO   Pleased to meet you welcome.  Thank you for joining and sharing.

    Sorry about your circumstances with your flat.

    I am one of the team of community champions who help and advise new members who join.

    As my friend  @steve51 has stated is this private landlord or council. 

    My suggestion would be first need to speak to the landlord or council. Also make a diary of what is happening to you.

    Times and dates and events.

    We have lots of information a list of organisations which can provide some further advice and support.

    Hope that helps.

    Also speak to CAB as well see how they can advise.

    Please ask if we can help and advise. Some one will know.

    Please take care.
