My granddaughter's needs

Nora_E_1954 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited April 2021 in Cerebral Palsy Network
My granddaughter is 3 (4 in June 2019) She has, what I would call a mild case of cerebral palsy. She walks and talks normally and her speech is normal. Her main disability is her right arm and hand. She can't use them properly and now I have noticed it is making her very frustrated as she can't use her right hand in play - and in everything really. I am worried about this holding her back and causing her not to be able to keep up with 'normal' children. Is there any help she can get to enable her to use her hand and arm better. Her parents have her name down for a main stream school but will she have problems? We all thought it was Erbs Palsy but she has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Can I advise her parents in any way. It just seems to me that her problems are not being addressed as they should be. Thanks. Any advice or suggestions would be really appreciated.


  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,716 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Good to meet you and thank you for your post. From what you describe it sounds like your granddaughter has been diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, meaning it affects one side of the body.
    It is important that your granddaughter has physiotherapy to help her move and improve the use of her right hand and arm. This can be accessed through her G.P.
    The Pace Centre can provide an assessment and therapy for your granddaughter.
    Please try not to worry about mainstream school. I have included a link to information about EHC plans for when she starts school. These are available to ensure that all of the assistance she may need is in place.
  • martins
    martins Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected
    My daughter has CP which affects her legs. She went to main stream school and done well. Make sure she gets physio and do physio at home while playing
  • Nora_E_1954
    Nora_E_1954 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you both for the reply. I will investigate these links you have given me Richard, thank you. Martins, thank you it's encouraging to know your daughter has done well in main stream school.
  • SaraC_Scope
    SaraC_Scope CP Network, Scope Posts: 215 Empowering
    Hi @Nora_E_1954

    I have right sided mild cerebral palsy (hemiplegia) and now 42 years of age.  I attended mainstream school and although it was a hard journey, I am now married with a 15 yr old son and recently started working at Scope as a parent adviser.

    Your granddaughter will find her own way in time and surprise you in many ways.  

    Best wishes

  • Nora_E_1954
    Nora_E_1954 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    Sara, thank you so much for your encouraging reply. My granddaughter is showing a lot of push to compensate for her lack of strength in her right hand. She has started to dress herself and she really tries hard to do everything. We really praise her and encourage her and I feel, because of her strong spirit, she will rise above this 'nuisance' and achieve everything she wants in life.

