Social Services Care plans

kazzy1 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
Hi just wondered at what stage are you made privy to the content of your care plan .... I've requested a copy but evidently it hasn't been signed off? I was under the impression that you saw a draft of it along with level and amount of suggested direct payments for care?
Ive been fobbed off for over a year now, had 3 different social workers all because they do not want to fund my level of care. Incidentally I moved to this council with a substantial care package that I'm fairly sure they do not wish to continue.
So basically, is it all agreed, signed off then I get to see it .... or should I see it in draft stage so any amendments can be done?
Thanks x


  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Hello and welcome, you may wish to download the 2014 care act from the government site it is a long but interesting read, should you download read what’s applies to yourself there are other downloadable information available and councils have a duty of care towards providing care in the cumunity and homes of those who,require or request it and a lot of cases the council should not or must not cap the funding.
  • kazzy1
    kazzy1 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    Thanks I've read the whole thing. Problem is I think the council are trying to railroad through their idea of my requirements without allowing me to see a copy prior to signing it all off.