Skint Britain

Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
Friends Without Benefits! did anyone watch it?


  • clarkjohnson
    clarkjohnson Online Community Member Posts: 210 Empowering
    Hello benistmonk hope your well no any good 
  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
    Hi Clark, as well as can be expected, and yourself.
  • clarkjohnson
    clarkjohnson Online Community Member Posts: 210 Empowering
    Not three bad thank you I was just reading about that bloke in the bar on the titanic he said I no I asked for ice but this is ridiculous. Good night and God bless all 
  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
    Hello benistmonk hope your well no any good 

    It was about Universal Credit in Hartlepool, where it was first rolled out. From what I could see, it has been a complete disaster.

    A man with a degenerative eye disease had his DLA stopped, was given £5 for a whole month to live on, he had been sanctioned for not attending some work activity that he did not know about. 
  • clarkjohnson
    clarkjohnson Online Community Member Posts: 210 Empowering
    Hello benistmonk I've got friends in Scotland I'm from the Midlands utter chaos up there and nobody is listening what the hell is going on . 
  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
  • clarkjohnson
    clarkjohnson Online Community Member Posts: 210 Empowering
    Hello friend thanks for that . Haveing worked all my life up until September 2017 and haveing no health problems in fact I hadn't seen a doctor for over 30 odd years and that was for nothing much I was diagnosed with cancer I'm 63 now it's been a **** time but got the all clear a few weeks ago I've got family two brothers and a sister so it's been a worrying time for all of us . My cancer was penile and I must admit I had the of all the places ffs syndrome ?. Apparently there's about 600 cases in Great Britain each year so at least I'm in a select group . Anyhow that's how I've ended up in the wonderful benifits world and on uc and basically after the assessment circus I've been found fit to do in there words some sort of work bit insulting when you've grafted all your life and got just under 3 years till retirement + I live with my older brother who's 73 and not aswell as he used to be if it wasn't for him I'd be liveing on hula hoops and In a tent . But I've been taking notice like yourself of the mess and **** what's goin on food banks , people lost and no help , people selling there bodies to feed the kids , people takeing there own lives , mental issues everyday they wake up back into a tunnel of misery, I've lived a life and I ain't no angel but I've never known anything like the **** what's goin on right now . I'm not very good on forums because I lose me rag . Have a good evening and thanks again ?
  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
    Hi Clark, I am very pleased to hear you are in remission and things are looking good or as good as they can be under the circumstances.

    Its all gone to pot mate, crime has gone through the roof in Hartlepool since UC. It was bizarre to see people out hunting for food in this day and age. We have gone back in time to the days of Victorian workhouses. I can't imagine what effect it is going to have when the whole country is on UC. All we have to do now is figure out how to get rid of the Tories before they plunge us all into poverty.

    Like you I am lucky to have family to bail me out. I am not even sure if it is against DWP rules to receive help from my family, although knowing them, it probably is against some rule or other. That's why I am able to sit here typing away on tinternet. You too have a very good evening, if not we can always have a moan about it on here to cheer ourselves up. :)

  • clarkjohnson
    clarkjohnson Online Community Member Posts: 210 Empowering
    Cheers mate appreciate that yes we've got to have some fun ain't we ? Look after yerself c yer soon 
  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
    edited February 2019
    We sure do mate, carborundum illegitimi non, look after yourself my friend. :)