
kass Community member Posts: 65 Connected
Hi all 

I got pip for 3 years it ends in may this year but had not letter as yet do i need to ring them or leave it as it's  only a few months away from renewal any advice please 

Thank you


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi kass

    Were you awarded by a tribunal ?
    Normally PIP reviews happen a year in advance of the end date unless it was a tribunal decision in which case 14 weeks is the norm.
    If it was my claim I would poke the bear and ring it can take a while for a new decision to be made due to backlogs on the system
  • kass
    kass Community member Posts: 65 Connected
    No I don't go for tribunal I was just assessed so it would be better to ring pip up as i think I have  8 or 9 weeks left on my date I got pip and it ends in may this year 

  • timmyy22
    timmyy22 Community member Posts: 20 Connected
    I usually just wait for dwp to contact me (esa).

    But if it will ease any stress or anxiety just pick up the phone.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    As you weren't awarded by a Tribunal then you should have been sent a review form a year before your award is due to end. You need to ring DWP because your award will end before you've been assessed again.
  • kass
    kass Community member Posts: 65 Connected
    Rang pip up and was told my award don't end till 2020 but it's due for renewal 2nd of May is that for if anything as change then the big form some time this year to fill in again for the assessment 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Reviews are done 1 year before the award is due to end. You'll be sent the review form (shorter than the PIP2 form) You need to fill that out with as much information as possible about how your conditions affect you. Adding 2-3 examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you.

    Send evidence to support your claim with the form. Expect another face to face assessment as most have them, even for reviews.

    If a decision goes in your favour you'll have a new award length. If the decision doesn't go in your favour and you're not awarded then your PIP stops 4 weeks after the decision is made, regardless of when your award is due to end.
  • kass
    kass Community member Posts: 65 Connected
    My pip runs out in 2020 but my review is for the 2nd may 2019 this year when should I get that review form as I have not had no forms as yet to fill in for pip or review 

    Thank you
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    It will be around 2nd May, so a couple of months to wait yet.
  • kass
    kass Community member Posts: 65 Connected
    I rang pip up  the other day about my pip to ask when i would get my forms the end date is may  2020   i was told I could get letter December this year  and to ring up to make fresh claim or ring up in  januray next year 

    I thought I would have to fill a form out to get it again not to make fresh claim is thus right 

    Also I should have had my pip looked at around the 2nd may 2019 or just after I have had nothing for that 

    Any advice please or should I just leave it till the end if this year 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    As far as i know PIP reviews times have changed to 6 months before the award is due to end. If you do hear from them 6 months before then ring DWP again and ask them to send you review forms.

    It really doesn't matter which forms are sent anyway because all claims should be classed as new claims and you should fill out the forms with as much information as possible, even if they are review forms.
  • kass
    kass Community member Posts: 65 Connected
    In my award letter it says it was due for review on the 2nd may 2019 or just after
    And my pip ends on the 2nd may 2020 

    I was just told when i rang pip I would get a letter to ring up and make a fresh claim nothing about a form for review if I don't get letter in December this year ring up in januray 2020 this is less than 6 month 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    I've heard review times have recently changed. I'm not sure why you were told to ring in January 2020. My advice is, if you don't receive a form 6 months before (November)  then ring them.
  • kass
    kass Community member Posts: 65 Connected
    Thanks for the advice