
Stevefellow Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
Going through a really bad patch so bad don't know if I can cope 


  • lindadenise
    lindadenise Online Community Member Posts: 302 Empowering
    edited March 2019
    I have Fibromyalgia along with other Neurological illnessess and i know how you feel. My Doctor is pretty good is your GP understanding? If so try and see the GP asap. Its a very painful and depressing illness, i hope you can get some help. Take care.
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @Stevefellow, great to meet you!

    I'm so sorry to hear things are tough at the moment. Do you want to tell us a bit more about what you're struggling with? 
  • Stevefellow
    Stevefellow Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi been going through a really bad patch with my fibro and ongoing back issues just doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. Been medicated to the eyeballs .had a heart attack on 1st January that could have been caused by a medicine I was on named Dosulepin that was I thought quite helpful was taken off it back in December and haven't really found anything else that works for me. 
    To make matters worse l was due to go for some back injections this month that normally help for a while but now I can't have them because of these bloody heart drugs. My anxiety and depression have been at a all time high.I haven't even been able to do the heart rehab classes because my pain has been so bad people say you look OK I know that they mean well dosnt help though does it . If I do get to sleep without drugs I wake up after an hour or so with burning stomach and back pain. Told my Doctor the other day didn't think I wanted to carry on he did his best gave me some diazapam which does help but you can't function normaly on it. To make things worse I was about to start some training in January as an adult support worker for people with learning difficulties but now I don't feel stong enough for that .sorry for the 
    out burst but need to get it off my chest .regards Steve .
  • peruna
    peruna Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi Steve I was so sorry to see your not coping very well I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Colitis over 25 years ago I have suffered with lower back pain pain in my right hip shoulders and neck with flare ups of burning sensation 
    I was a single mother with 3 young children and at first I really struggled with getting the pain under control and depression 25 years ago there wasn't any medication available for fibromyalgia I was just prescribed paracetamol and codamol for pain and advised to go swimming and was given hydrotherapy for 12 weeks which I found the water and light exercises helped me manage my chronic illness a bit better after the 12 weeks I was encouraged to try low impact aerobics swimming and light exercises in the gym tailored to my health problems for another 12 weeks which i looked forward to going and would reccomend even if it was just swimming the water is so relaxing and moving your arms and legs is so helpful 
    over the years I have learnt through trial and error mainly pushing my body to much is bad for me you have to listen to your body and take small steps each day will be different and when you have a flare up you must rest in order to get on top of your pain
    The way I have learnt to cope with very bad pain and flare ups. Is by getting some heat to the area I apply (movalot gel) this gives me instant heat and relief to the affected area then I take 2 paracetamol this helps cool you down if you have a temperature and 2 codeine tablets then with a pouch of gel I can put in the microwave and wrap in a tea towel I put this on the affected area I repeat this every 4 hours and within 2 to 3 days I am managing my pain again 
    I hope you can find your coping mechanism for relief soon gentle hugs 
    ps my partner was diagnosed with heart disease 3 years ago and is on beta blockers he has Ehlers downlers syndrome vascular he also had 5 of his discs in his back fused and has health problems if you need someone to talk to he is 52 I am 62 we are here for advice x
  • peruna
    peruna Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    TypeHi Steve meant to say my partner  is self employed tradesman and I help him out with his paper work on the computer  your comment