
FIONADT Community member Posts: 17 Connected
I was listening to LBC this week a minister from the DWP  was being interviewed and gave the impression their going to merge ESA and PIP. I fear their is something nasty is on the way for no other reason than to save money


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,691 Championing

    It was announced a few days ago by Amber Rudd but there's been no further updates with any more information. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
  • wilko
    wilko Community member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    Yes yes it does look a worrying situation for many claiming these benefits but until it is passed and put into action the fall out and it’s impact on those claiming is an unknown factor wait and see.
  • miracle
    miracle Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    Hi, @FIONADT,  There is always an hidden agenda when it comes to the DWP. They have got no idea of how people with Mental and Physical Disabilities get by each day. They think that everyone of us, has a clear focused mind, and a healthy body. They have no idea, how our disabilities, affect us, because it is not happening to them. Any change, where it means more red tape, is always going to be distressful, for each and every one of us, in the disabled community. If those kind Parliamentary MPs, and the kind people at the DWP, had ALL their money taken off them, and asked to live like that , say for six months, then i wonder how they would cope, wondering where the next penny is coming from? I wonder how it would affect their mental wellbeing, as well as their physical wellbeing. They pick on us , because they deem us to be the weakest in society, and cannot fight back. But having forum sites like SCOPE, brings the country together, in understanding, what the cretins at the DWP, are trying to do to us.
    All the best for the future....Miracle
  • button1973
    button1973 Community member Posts: 12 Listener
    Its disgusting how they treat people not everyone is as fortunate as they are they just dont care !!!
  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Community member Posts: 341 Empowering
    You get both benefits for practically the same reasons, to carry on paying PIP if you lose ESA and vice versa can be used in evidence to prove that they do not know what they are doing. I imagine what will happen when they merge is, losing one will mean losing the other at the same time.
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Community member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    As we all know this system is a complete joke and not fit for purpose, but as well as we all know they the DWP peddle that PIP is for in and out of work.

    So this sharing of information has been going on for a long time before this was even raised. ESA has different criteria than PIP, yes parts do cross over As well all know.

    The idea by doing this and trying to get your full medical records from the NHS by way of a new digital platform.

    I really believe the government will try to push this but it will have to be debated in parliament first.

    A DWP spokesperson later told Disability News Service (DNS) that there were no plans to move to a single set of eligibility criteria across the two benefits – one of the many concerns raised by campaigners – and that the announcement was not a step towards moving to a single disability benefit covering both extra costs and out-of-work payments.

    She said the new digital platform would “enable much greater information sharing between the two assessments” and that it would be “rolled out carefully – learning as we go”.

    So try not to panic yet. If you want to opt-out sharing your full medical records to the DWP.

    Type in google "opt-out NHS or ask your GP practice to do it for you.

    Reasons for opting out, could be one of many, like personal delicate information you don't want to share with anyone other than your GP etc.

    Remember the only medical information is needed and explains your functionality to day to day and daily tasks etc.