Cronic pain

misssmyler Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited April 2019 in Cerebral Palsy Network
Im new to your forum, never asked for help on line before...
but im in so much pain its brought me to tears....crying like a baby...
Ive just turned 49 ((Monday infact)) been suffering with severe pain all my adult life....tried to hold down a job but couldn't stand or sit for very long or id be in agony and often feeling quite sick!!!
People told me was just being lazy thinking of excuses not to one believed I started to believe it myself.....
After years of depression and attempted suicide attempts because of this I was diagnosed with...wait for it.....Under active Thyroid.....Bi-Polar Disorder.....Manic Depression. ..Split Personality  Disorder....Psoriasis....3 forms of Arthritis...Raynards Syndrome....Brittle Bone Disease....
I contracted Meningitis 9 yrs ago and was given 48hrs to live!!! 
Since then all this has escalated so much so I couldn't get out of bed for the sleep was all over  the place....I would go days, sometimes weeks with no sleep ending like a 'zombie' then sleep continuously for days...
All the Drs said work through the pain....force yourself to do things during the day,  exercise  make your mind/brain  tired as well as your body then you will sleep.......of course nothing worked....I got so bad  my body shut down...I got a Bels- Poulsey....Paralyses of my right side of my face.....
Still suffering in severe pain I ended up in a wheelchair for5 or so years.....Eventually I said enough was enough I put my foot down with my doctor...ive been taking Tramadol and other very strong medications for 20 or so years know...but nothing works...
Finally 2/3yrs ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia....just by walking or shall I say hobbling and limping into is consulting room..
He took one look at me and said  "Fibromyalgia" I could of cried....after all these years....a not  lazy....not a hyper con dre act...
Then 12months later he  tells me that I have Degenerative spine Disease 
Basically my spine is twisted and crumbling away.....No wonder I'm in so much pain...ive been on morphine patches....I had an allergic reaction to Opiates arnt working...I know there is surgery..but im terrified...
Then there's my I ever going to be well enough for surgery?? 
Please help....
Ive told you everything about myself....when your in so much severe pain, 
do you go to A+E or wait for it to  go  away??
Thank You for reading my life Story lol
               Angela XXX


  • ncps
    ncps Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor

    Hi Anglea, I'm so sorry to hear your distressing life, so many of us battle for years to be believed and to get a diagnosis

    . I run support group all over Northamptonshire for people with chronic pain as it can lead to isolation and be very frightening at times. Have you looked into what support there is in your area?

  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @misssmyler welcome to the community and thank you for sharing this with us. I am so sorry to hear this. How are you doing today? It might be worth asking your GP to refer you to pain specialist clinic 

    I see you have tried some treatments already (medication, exercise) but there are others like:
    • pain-relief injections
    • manual therapy 
    • TENS machines
    • complementary therapy
    • psychological therapy
    Also some people receiving treatment at a pain clinic may be offered a pain-management programme (PMP). 

    The sessions may include:

    • gentle exercise
    • relaxation and mindfulness
    • how to manage emotions related to long-term pain
    • group discussion
    • learning to pace yourself  to avoid pain flare-ups

    There's lots of self-help advice available from a variety of organisations supporting people living with long-term pain, such as:

    If you're in a lot of pain you can call your GP for an emergency call back, they will be able to offer some of advice. There's some information on the NHS website on when to go to A&E. Are you getting any support for your mental health?

  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @misssmyler how have you been?