Personal independent payment re assessment appeal

sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
Am. Waiting for tribunal mr

Just got a letter from sectarian of state supplementary submissions 

 Thanks for further evidence they this include activities has disputed and those which she kant do I agree with all descriptors I oppose this appeal and ask tribunal to dismiss the appeal and confirm the sectarian of state decision this is scary  I been on dla 23 years for my mental health. I just tried to take my life wks ago I just had ambulance on Friday self harms I have serious mental health issues I contact my lawyer Monday anymore help me


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Sam12

    Please do not worry, this is a standard letter sent to all who appeal to the tribunal. It does not mean that your appeal will not be allowed
  • pixie61
    pixie61 Community member Posts: 67 Contributor
    I’ve just had exactly the same thing. It’s nothing to worry about, just carry on with the tribunal hearing. I was on DLA for 11 years & hot downgraded, lies in the assessors report. Going to fight it, they shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. Hope youve been reassured x   
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    I know I had dla 23 years I serious mh issues other wk took od self harmed Thurs 9th time in mth. I. Ring lawyer Monday. They told me if u don't like life why u still here wat stopping u from. Going I been worse again. Thanks 

  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    Thank you 
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    Hi @sam12

    You are a member of our community and we appreciate you. 
    If you are having thoughts of suicide, it is important that you discuss them with someone who is qualified to help. Please call the Samaritans on 116 123 (free) or email them at 
    You might also benefit from reading MIND’s information on how you can help yourself: 
    If you feel that you may be an immediate danger to yourself, please call 999 or go to your local hospital right away. 
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    I already been attended by mh Dr ambulance not today. 23rd mh coming out to access me. 
  • Waylay
    Waylay Community member, Scope Member Posts: 966 Trailblazing
    @sam12 What a horrible thing for them to say!!! Don't listen - you are valuable, and you deserve to be here. I've also ended up in A&E due to self-harm, and the last time it was because of PIP! 

    So you're waiting for a tribunal appeal now? It sounds like having help with this process would be really good for you. Do you have a mh nurse or worker who can help? If not, can you ask your mh doctor if any are available? The Citizen's Advice Bureau may be able to help (they're extremely busy, tho, and underfunded). Your council may have a Welfare Rights team who could help. If you live in supported housing, there may be someone there. If there's a Mind in your area, they might know someone who can help...
    This whole process is really hard for a lot of people, and having support can really help. 

    You might want to call the Tribunal Court and tell them that there are safeguarding issues with you. I don't know what they can recommend, but it's worth trying.

    With love and solidarity,
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    Got mh coming out 23rd April. I cut 9 times in mth. Last was Thurs arms leg. 18th took od. My bf help me but his moblies was hacked so has mine. Don't know how long investigation takes making me ill him not being around he my rock he supports me. He help with pip n fightback to. Probably b Nov time for Mr. I get treated bad people judge us. Cause am. Alone I. Get bullied if I report it they make out a a dumbo  Lady under me Omg her feet like so loud on ceiling comes thru day n nite she sleep all day but wen I go bed she starts I tried recording council say just her feet like herd of elephants. Well my bf getting me a house n wedding etc. So make new start by the sea 
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    edited April 2019
    Welcome to the community @sam12 I am sorry to hear this. How are you doing today? 

    As @Ami2301 mentioned please get in touch with the Samaritans, if you need someone to talk to and please call 999 or go to your local hospital right away, if you are in immediate danger. 

    We have videos on our YouTube channel on PIP appeal here, you may find useful.

    Please keep us updated after your assessment on the 23rd April, if you have any questions, please let us know. :)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    Really sorry to read/hear this Sam12, I've got mental health problems myself and sometimes it's really hard work and what makes it worse is when people don't understand or want to understand. I also had a problem with my previous neighbour and noise, I ended up moving home because of how it was affecting me. These assessments and lies that are told don't help either, they can have a detrimental affect on a lot of people's health.

    Please remember, you don't have to do it alone, there are places like the Samaritans who I've contacted myself previously who are very helpful and good at listening, if you can't talk to them via phone they do have email contact as well.
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    We're am living crazy day and nite she thump the floor so hard like coming throthe ceiling thru my floor round the clock not getting much sleep or peace council don't care. I rang lawyer about my pip everyone get this letter. I been harming again got other worrys on my head me and bf moblies are hacked I not hear from. Him the police are investigating his mobiles am. Not sure how long police take to investigate am. Frantic here I. Miss him so much 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,500 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @sam12, I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend. Please keep us updated if you find anything out.
    With regards to your noisy neighbour, I can only advise that you keep a diary of her excessive noise. You can find out what your local authority's procedure for making a noise complaint is here.

    Going back to what Ami and Antonia have both said, please remember that as a member of our community, you are important to us and you might find MIND's information about distracting yourself from the urge to self-harm useful. It's also important that you discuss any thoughts of self-harm with someone who is qualified to help. Are you able to contact your mental health team at all, if not there's also the option of calling the Samaritans on 116 123 (free) or email them at


  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    They said that as normal it not she sleep all day wen I go bed she starts. Wish my bf call me Omg every day I crying. He said police investigation why he cannot call me he don't want me caught up in it is he protecting me from harm 
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @sam12 sorry to hear this, your local authority/council should intervene. Please try the noise complaint procedure, as @Adrian_Scope has suggested and keep us updated. I am sorry to hear about your boyfriend, do let us know if you hear anything. I hope it all goes well. We are all here to support you :)