just for fun

zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering

I look alright,

I feel alright,

so unwell I shouldn't be,

compared to those on ESA,

seems i'm on the scale of 3.

but 3 doesn't suit me,

as some days i'm not so good,

so maybe I'm not the peg?

which fits into the wood.

i'm me who's round not square,

for others who doesn't seem to care,

no matter what the throw at me,

im one who will always be aware.

Aware of being ill,

aware of those who don't care,

aware of being round,

when only the different peg hole left is square.



  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering

    On the scale of useful

    im maybe only a 1

    but depends on your findings

    I may be just the 1

  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering

    I wake up happy each morning

    as a new day comes to view

    glad to be still on the planet

    which everyone calls the big blue

  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    last one for today, as brains going into overdrive atm, seems one too many tablets yesterday, slowed me down, but maybe woken me now up,...

    if days are full of sunshine

    and evening full of dark

    what happens when im sleeping

    no longer alone on the park

    walking getting faster

    breathing getting less

    i'm I now getting more content?

    or just expecting less and less?

  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    sorry this one just popped into my head, so thought i'd jot it down and share,

    Assess me in the morning please

    when I feel like a piece of wood

    or totally disregard,

    as if it's something

    you didn't understood.

    assess me when i'm wide awake

    after ive slept like of block of wood,

    ask me question honestly

    expecting the writing to be in blood

    so even I can understood .

    I use this word a lot lately

    when another one may be better

    but as clearly you don't

    understood is better!

    if you like, give me a topic, sail boat, clouds, what ever and i'll think of something on it and reply, just for fun mind you, take my mind of other things and darker places, so it all helps

  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering

    the boy stood on a burning deck

    but saved his recon letter,

    knowing the DWP needed it

    made him feel much better.

    so swam ashore and and approached them

    to see if they could help,

    and was told he was ok, even though he'd missed the recon date.

    so standing there quite smugly he reached into his belt,

    out came the letter dated yesterday

    and quickly altered the date.

    handed in and now at home

    he sits and just needs to wait,

    no food in the cupboards,

    so just an empty plate.

    later on he gets a knock

    upon his wooded door,

    the messenger was smiling

    as he had a splinter before.

    he reach into his satchel

    and gave the boy a nod,

    it's from the DWP boy

    so happy it wasn't a message from god.

    the ending is quite happy

    as he hadn't got the nod,

    god doesn't want him sooner

    the DWP found him a job!

  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    i used to be disabled
    but the DWP set me free
    they used to pay into my bank
    and now i'm money free

    20 years i've been ill
    but now they say i'm pain free
    the nurse who did assess me
    who's age much less than half of me

    not saying she didn't know her job
    or hasn't got a clue
    one minute i was a man
    then next i wasn't 2

    she asked if minded
    after i went blue
    she couldn't speak much english
    which made me wonder why
    she didn't understand my answers
    and why maybe she didn't reply
  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    one day i had a problem 
    but only since 21
    my back was my issue
    wasn't born just plain wrong
    i kind of knew something
    but the DWP set me free
    i use to think i was useful
    and somewhat carefree
    then along came an assessment
    the reply wasn't too long
    you no longer disabled
    so can now clear off and begone.

    thanks DWP

  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    HayleyGeek just won a Tribunal
    so today she full of fun
    hope tomorrow not still raining
    so she can have some happy fun,

    so yesterday was full of stress
    and today is tear's of joy
    the news was good to hear
    and mattered not if girl or boy

    so the sun now shines a bit more brighter
    than it did the day before
    i just hope the stress goes so quickly
    as the reply and money takes to come to the door

    time is getting shorter
    so i end this rather quick
    i hope mine goes just as good
    and the judge is not so thick

    it didn't need to go there
    as the mistake wasn't her's to make
    it was down to the assessor
    who was late maybe for a dinner date

    the facts were plain and simple
    shame the Nurse wasn't so thick
    none of this would be needed
    and it all wouldn't cost a extra bit

    lesson needed learning
    but know one gives a dam
    the DWP is broken
    and Amber Rudd's not the man
  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    seems someone is planning
    for a weekend of fun
    hope it doesn't rain
    to spoil all of your fun

    hope your staying
    warm and dry
    and the weather
    suits you well

    what ever you are doing
    enjoy and smile farewell
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    These are great @zakblood!  Thanks for sharing.  :smile:
  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    thanks for being kind and saying so, it does all help, if you wish for one, just name a subject and i'll do my best
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Angels please ?
  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    Angels are clouds
    flying in the sky
    most days you see them
    up and flying around

    there their when you need them
    all you need to do is look
    while the sun may make you smile
    the others give good luck

    your Angels are with you
    all day in the sky
    it's what happens to all of us
    the day we have to die

    so don't be afraid of Angels
    or cloud up in the sky
    like the sun in the heavens
    just there to brighten, up high

    there you go Debbiedo49
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Awe thanks so much I love it!
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    You are welcome, @zakblood.  Can you do one about cats please?  Thanks.  :smiley:  You have a great talent there by the way.  :smiley:
  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    cats are special
    cats are great
    they love there bowl
    they love your plate

    on a summers day
    they lie in the sun
    they sleep all day
    just for fun

    we love our cats
    we love our son
    one plays all day
    one loves to run

    just for cats
    but love dogs 2
    just for Alis
    who them to 2

    there you go Alis, enjoy and i'm a cat dad 2, rescued 2 from a settee thrown out side and waiting to be skipped, kept hearing noises and over a couple of days out side our lad kept going past on the way to work, one day he stopped and inside were 3 kittens, 1 dead, died of starvation and 2 others, 3 or 4 days old a week at most so the vet said, no mum around so he brought them home, named them starsky and hutch but found out later that they were both female, but it didn't matter, both 4 years old now and doing well
  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    **** cat, **** cat
    living up a tree,
    would prefer to be inside
    sitting on your knee

    **** cat, **** cat
    just ask me where i'll be
    when it's raining or cold
    just come looking for me

    inside not outside
    and not up that tree
    on your lap
    getting loving
    you know where i will be

    where it warm and cosy
    lying next to you
    or sitting by the fireside
    when i'm feeling blue

    **** cat, **** cat
    feed me & love me 2
    you know i'll stay with you
    even when you need comfort to
  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    edited June 2019
    seems i can't use the word p u s s y either, it block it, ah well you live and learn, and yes i fully understand and agree that certain words need blocking, so not a moan, so perfectly fine with it, just thought i'd mention it, as without the word in it, it really doesn't make much sense, and most can put it in place on there own and then make it work fine, so all's good
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Thank you so much @zakblood!  The cats poems are wonderful!  Have you ever thought about putting a book together of poems? These have made my day!  :smiley:  How awful that the wee kittens were found in a skip!  How cruel are some folk?!!  Glad they have a lovely home and family now to love them.  :smile:  I am actually howling with laughter at your last post regarding the P word!  Priceless!  :smiley:
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,735 Online Community Programme Lead
    zakblood said:
    seems someone is planning
    for a weekend of fun
    hope it doesn't rain
    to spoil all of your fun

    hope your staying
    warm and dry
    and the weather
    suits you well

    what ever you are doing
    enjoy and smile farewell
    Thanks @zakblood! I hope your weekend went well and there weren't too many buckets to empty? Did you make any progress getting the roof sorted?